Workshop organisers : ECPAT International , Coordinator Dynamic Coaltion on Child Online Safety. Background: 30+ Child rights agencies participated at the IGF in Rio de Janeiro and convened in a side meeting to systematize the fight against child…
The following text is excerpted from an ongoing discussion on the IGF Advisory Group mailing list. The only changes made relate to an effort to anonymize the comments in respect of the Chatham House rule and separate issues related to logistics…
The following text is excerpted from an ongoing discussion on the IGF Advisory Group mailing list. The only changes made relate to an effort to anonymize the comments in respect of the Chatham House rule and separate issues related to logistics…
Legal Aspects of Governance of Critical Internet Resources [pdf]
Workshop organisers : ECPAT International , eNACSO, News Corporation, European Commission-Safer Internet programme. Background: The need to address the abusive use of ICT in particular sexual harassment, abuse and exploitation of children…
Best Practice Forum on 5 December 2008 (Workshop 75) Children, young people and their families tend to be in the vanguard of new media adoption benefiting from early take-up of new opportunities afforded by these technologies. This means, however…
Saturday 6 December 2008, 09:30 - 11:00, HICC Room Seven Workshop Organizers: Dr. Hong Xue, Professor of Law of Beijing Normal University and Chair of Council of Chinese Domain Name Users Alliance, China Panelists Prof.…
Thursday, 4 December 2008, 1600-1730 hrs The purpose of this root server system workshop is to explain to people what the root server system is, how it functions, why it is important, and how it is evolving. It is meant to be a short…
FIRST MEETING, 4 DECEMBER 2008 AT IGF HYDERABAD, INDIA The Dynamic Coalition on Internet and Climate Change (DCICC) was launched at the second IGF in Rio in 2007. The DCICC held its first physical meeting on 4 December at the third IGF in…
The International Telecommunication Union (ITU) organized a workshop at the IGF on “Internet and Climate Change” on 4 December at 0930. The Workshop was moderated by Arthur Levin of the ITU and the available presentations are posted on-line. …
6th December 2008, Room 6 – IGF Hyderabad The Freedom of Expression and the Media Online Dynamic Coalition (FoE DC) was relatively quiet between the 2007 and 2008 IGF meetings. Members of the coalition have been working on their own projects…
rights and internet governance: IGF Hyderabad Workshop Reports Mainstreaming Rights in the Work of the IGF (Workshop 65 – 11.30, Room 5, 5th December 2008) Internet Bill of Rights Dynamic Coalition Meeting (14.30, Room 5, 5th December…
Saturday 6 December 2008, 09:30 - 11:00 - Room Seven Workshop Organizers: Dr. Hong Xue, Professor of Law of Beijing Normal University and Chair of Council of Chinese Domain Name Users Alliance, China Panelists Prof. Hong…
Wednesday, 3 December 2008, 11:30am-1pm, Room 3 PanellistsNathaniel Gleicher, Yale Information Society Project (Moderator) Geidy Lung, World Intellectual Property Organization Hong Xue, Law School of Beijing Normal University Ginger Paque,…
Report from Pro-Poor ICT Access Workshop (#8)at the IGF, Dec 5 2008 This workshop was moderated by Radhika Lal, Senior Policy Advisor, UNDP. UNDP has supported the development of a Pro-Poor ICT Access toolkit – this has been developed by APC. There…