>> MUHAMMAD SHABBIR:  So, ladies and gentlemen, good afternoon in Saudi Arabia and those in person, and good meeting of the day to those who are online.  Thank you very much for joining the annual meeting of the IGF Dynamic Coalition on…
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>> AHMED FARAG:  Thank you for attending this NRI collaborative session.  Today we will focus on our regional experience on the governance of emerging technology.  Let me first introduce myself.  I'm Ahmed Farag.  I'm of the North African IGF…
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>> ANRIETTE ESTERHUYSEN: Hello, everyone.  Welcome to the session.  We're starting two minutes late.  Which is unforgivable.  We're in day three.  I'm from South Africa.  Currently with the Association for Progressive Communications.  This…
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>> MODERATOR: We have two minutes left for the session to start.  We're just doing our technical checks.  Thank you for being here.  We'll get started in a minute or so.  Thank you.  Good morning everybody.  Thanks for joining us physically in…
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>> MODERATOR WACHHOLZ: Is it working? Yes, I see Torbjorn online. Welcome all of you to this room. You need to put on your, how it works, you will need to put on your headphones for us to hear each other.I can hear myself.So you need to go on…
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>> CHAFIC DAVA: Good afternoon, everyone. I believe you can hear me. I have a distortion. Good afternoon, everyone. On behalf of the Lebanon IGF and of the Canadian Registration Internet Authority, I would like to welcome you all to this…
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>> SANDRA HOFERICHTER: Actually it works. Normally, it takes 10 seconds before these things starts to work.Yeah, welcome to the European stakeholder networking session for those who does not know what EuroDIG is? It's the European IGF, so this…
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>> Father, look at the bright star. >>  That star has always guided us to rain and good fortune. >>  I want to touch it, father!  Can I? >> You won't reach it alone.  I will help you. >…
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>> CHRIS BUCKRIDGE: Okay.  I think we're ready to go.  I would like to welcome everyone to the session of the day.  This is workshop number 141.  It is on regionalism and the IGF.  I'm Chris Buckridge.  I'm here with no hats on today.  Just as…
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[ Speaking non‑english language ] [ No interpretation to English ] >> CHAFIC CHAYA: First, thank you for the invitation.  And thank you for being with us today.  These discussions are very really important to share insights from the…
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     >> MODERATOR:  Actually it works.  Normally, it takes 10 seconds before these things starts to work.  Yeah, welcome to the European stakeholder networking session for those who does not know what EuroDIG is it's the European IGF you, so…
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>> ANDY RICHARDSON:  Good afternoon.  Good afternoon, everybody.  Good afternoon.  If I could just ask everybody to assemble for the final closing of the Parliamentary Track.  My name is Andy Richardson.  I work with the Inter‑Parliamentary…
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>> ANRIETTE ESTERHUYSEN: Okay, so, everyone... So, the moderator's opening remark is to say, you need to put on your headphones to participate in the session.  So, good morning, everyone. This is very strange, but I think…
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>> AMARA SHAKER-BROWN: Good morning, Afternoon And evening, everyone.  We are on Channel 1 from the tech team, and we will get started in just a moment.We will get started and people can join us as they can.  Once again, good morning…
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