The Internet Governance Forum Secretariat is funded through donations from various stakeholder groups. While host countries bear the majority of the costs associated with holding the annual IGF meeting, the IGF Secretariat's activities are funded through extra-budgetary contributions paid into a multi-donor Trust Fund administered by the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UNDESA). All contributions are administered and accounted for in accordance with United Nations Financial Rules and Regulations and other applicable directives, procedures and practices. The IGF project's expenditures are contained in the biennial Financial Report and audited Financial Statements of the United Nations. Contributions from all stakeholders are welcome, including in-kind donations.
How to Donate
Why does the IGF need funding?
The IGF Secretariat was established to be funded by voluntary contributions, and not through the UN Secretariat's regular budget. Without funding, the IGF is unable to deliver on its mandate.
Who can contribute to the IGF?
The IGF welcomes contributions from government agencies, non-governmental organizations as well as private entities. At this time, the IGF is not able to accept contributions from individuals. Individuals can contribute to the work related to the Internet Governance Forum through IGFSA (
How can Member States, private sector companies, and foundations support the IGF?
Please contact the IGF Secretariat and refer to the "How to Donate" process above. By making financial contributions to the IGF Trust Fund, donors enable the IGF to deliver on its mandate, including implementing the IGF annual meeting, and supporting intersessional and capacity development activities. In-kind contributions to the IGF are also accepted on a case-by-case basis.
How can I tell my organization more about the IGF and why we should contribute?
Share the IGF Brochure!
Where can I get more detailed information about the IGF's progress and finances?
Consult the IGF Trust Fund page for complete details including: the latest IGF Progress Report, Financial Statement, and Trust Fund Overview/Presentation.
The Secretariat is grateful to present and past IGF Trust Fund Donors, listed below in order of the size of their total contribution since 2006. Please see here for the full status of donors' contributions.

Gouvernement de Finlande

Commission européenne

Gouvernement de l'Allemagne

Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN)

Organisation de ressources numériques (NRO)

Gouvernement de la Suisse

Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN)

L'Internet Society (ISOC)

Gouvernement des Pays-Bas

Gouvernement du Royaume-Uni

Gouvernement des États-Unis

Gouvernement du Japon

Nominet Royaume-Uni


Fondation des marées

Comité directeur brésilien de l'Internet



Comité du Fonds chinois pour l'énergie


Services de registre mondiaux Afilias

La Fondation de l'Internet Society

Gouvernement du Portugal - Fundacao Para a Ciencia ea Tecnologia

Registre européen des domaines Internet (EURid)

Microsoft Corporation

Siemens Aktiengesellschaft - Communications / Nokia Siemens Networks

Gouvernement de Norvège

Gouvernement de la Suède



Le Réseau suisse de formation et de recherche (SWITCH)

La société Walt Disney


Administrateur de noms de domaine d'auDA Australie

Chambre de commerce internationale (CCI) - Action des entreprises pour soutenir la société de l'information (BASIS)

Centre de coordination pour TLD RU

Forum Internet danois

Politecnico di Torino

DNS communautaire

Gouvernement de la République de Corée

Association européenne des opérateurs de réseaux de télécommunications


NIC-MEXIQUE Le Registre Autrichien

Sommet Stratégies Internationales