YouthDIG (European Youth IGF)
Since 2017 this youth-focused and youth-led track is organized in a bottom-up manner within the annual EuroDIG meeting. It includes an online preparatory phase.
Since 2017 this youth-focused and youth-led track is organized in a bottom-up manner within the annual EuroDIG meeting. It includes an online preparatory phase.
The Youth IGF Initiative for West African community was established in 2019. It aims at channeling youth voices on Internet governance to the wider multistakeholder community.
The Youth IGF-UA was established in 2017 and aims to provide a platform for young people in Ukraine to engage in Internet governance discussions.
Youth IGF of Turkey is focused on gathering inputs on the Internet governance related matters from young people in Turkey, and on creating a unique forum for the youth to discuss these matters.
The Nicaragua Youth IGF was established in 2019. It aims at creating a multistakeholder platform for channelling the inputs from young people in Nicaragua on Internet governance matters of priority to the wider Internet governance ecosystem in the country, region and world.
Youth IGF of Netherlands was established in 2011 year, with the main idea of engaging young people of Netherlands in the discussion on Internet governance and bringing their voices to the global IGF discussion agenda.
The Youth-IGF of Malaysia was established in 2019, with the main idea of engaging young people of Malaysia in the discussion on Internet Governance matters, as well as to raise awareness on Internet Governance and promote the youth participation in Internet policy discussion.
Youth IGF of Latin America and Caribbean (YouthLACIGF) was established in 2016 year, in order to increase the participation of young people in Internet Governance related discussion in this respective region.
The Italian Youth IGF initiative was established in early 2019. It aims to promote an open, transparent, inclusive and multistakeholder debate on Internet governance matters.
The India Youth IGF was established in 2018. Its goals are to raise awareness among India's youth of Internet governance issues, encourage younger generations to participate in public policy discussions, and eventually build a new cadre of Internet leaders motivated to learn, engage, and act within their region and beyond.