As in previous IGF meetings, The proceedings in the main meeting room will be Webcast (audio and video),
the transcript of these proceedings will also be streamed in realtime. The events in the workshop rooms will be audio cast.
Remote participants will be able to send interventions via email and an Internet chat function will be available.
The live webcast of the IGF Meeting will be found at:
Remote Text Streaming
Scribe text feed can be accessed at the following URL:
Remote Particpation and Interventions
For hubs and for individuals not present at the venue, access to the Webex sessions can be gained at: The password for all sessions is P@ssw0rd
Access to Room 10 Luxor on 18th November is here.
Access to Room 8 Bib. Alexandrina is here.
As other means of remote participation are established, further information will be added to this page.
As access is not infinite, we ask that participants who are in Sharm El Sheikh refrain from using the Webex remote participation facility.
Email Interventions
For emailed questions or comments for the main session - please write to [email protected]
Remote Hubs
Regional stakeholders interested in organizing a remote hub are invited to
to register with the Secretariat before 31 October, 2009 by sending an email
to [email protected] with the following information:
- Institution where the hub will be based:
- Possible area(s) of interest within the 5 main IGF themes:
- Number of expected participants within the hub:
- Planned pre-meeting activities:
- Hub Coordinator:
- Contact email:
Please note that the local hub coordinator has to be present at the hub site. Training for the remote hubs will take place in cooperation with the Remote Participation Working Group