IGF Regional and National Initiatives

IGF 2017
NRIs preparatory activities for the 2017 annual IGF meeting

NRIs reflection to the IGF 2016 work and recommendations for improvements in 2017 available here. Two virtual meetings and a public call for gathering inputs from the NRIs regarding the IGF 2016 work processes, conducted. Received inputs summarized and submitted as a written contribution to the Taking Stock Public Call for Inputs

​2017 NRIs Meetings Summaries:

NRIs sessions at the IGF 2017 annual meeting

Public Consultations on Youth engagement in the IGF: looking into the existing processes:

The first edition of the publication that reflects the engagement of youth at the IGF is available here.

* The IGF MAG is regularly informed about the progress of the NRIs. Below is the latest update in written form.

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