PNAI Multistakeholder Working Group - Cloned

The Policy Network on Artificial Intelligence (PNAI)'s driving force is a community of diverse stakeholders aiming to contribute with their ‎expertise and experience. All interested stakeholders can join an open dedicated mailing list and take active participation through regular meetings and others means of collaboration. ‎
The community is continuously consulted on the thematic focus of the PNAI, its methodology and the so far ‎produced outputs.
Within the PNAI is a Multistakeholder Working Group of experts which ‎supports transforming community’s expressed views into concrete actions, such as outputs and actionable next steps.

Members of the PNAI Multistakeholder Working Group

Amrita Choudhury

IGF MAG Member
Director of CCAOI

Internet Society India Delhi Chapter

Audace Niyonkuru - Member, Multistakeholder Advisory Group ...

Audace Niyonkuru

IGF MAG Member
Chief Executive Officer

Digital Umuganda

Picture of Ben Wallis

Ben Wallis

Director of Technology Policy

Microsoft, UN Affairs & International Organizations

Brian Scarpelli - IGF 2019

Brian Scarpelli

Senior Global Policy Counsel

ACT | The App Association

Picture of Celine Caira

Celine Caira

Economist/Policy Analyst in the AI Unit Division of Science, Technology, and Innovation

OECD Observatory

Picture of Davis Adieno

Davis Adieno

Director of Programmes

Global Partnership for Sustainable Development Data

Esther Kunda – Next Einstein Forum

Esther Kunda

Director General, Innovation & Emerging Technologies 

Ministry of ICT and Innovation, Government of Rwanda

Picture of Fernanda Martins

Fernanda Martins



Isabelle Lois

Isabelle Lois 

Policy Advisor International Relations

Federal Office of Communications OFCOM, Government of Switzerland

Jamila Venturini | Derechos Digitales

Jamila Venturini

Executive Director

Derechos Digitales 

Jhalak M. Kakkar

Executive Director | Visiting Professor

Centre for Communication Governance | National Law University Delhi

Picture of Karine Perset

Karine Perset

Head of the OECD Division for Digital Economy Policy

OECD Observatory


Max Bonbhel

Executive Director

Research ICT Africa

Picture of Peter Addo

Peter Martey Addo

Head of Emerging Tech Lab

Agence française de développement

Picture of Ricardo Israel Robles Pelayo

Ricardo Israel Robles Pelayo


Anáhuac On-Line

Picture of Urvashi Aneja

Urvashi Aneja

Founder and Director

Digital Futures Lab

Wout de Natris - Focal point Parliamentary track - EuroDIG | LinkedIn

Wout de Natris

Founder and Chair

Internet Standards, Security & Safety IGF Dynamic Coalition 




The PNMA multistakeholder working group will closely collaborate with the members of the IGF's Multistakeholder Advisory Group and its Chair; networks of Dynamic CoalitionsNational, Regional and Youth IGF initiativesBest Practice Forums and all other interested stakeholders.

In support of