Our Digital Future - workshop II

Event Calendar Date
Tuesday, 2nd November, 2021 (12:30 UTC) - Tuesday, 2nd November, 2021 (14:00 UTC)
Hosted by IGF Secretariat

''Our Digital Future''
Addressing Digital Transformation and Cybersecurity
Capacity development workshop series focused on developing countries


The second workshop of the series of workshops 'Our Digital Future' will be hosted on 2 November at 12:30 UTC. The agenda will be announced soon.

This capacity development workshop series aims to bring together diverse stakeholders - including government representatives, such as permanent missions in Geneva, NGOs, international and ‎intergovernmental organizations, academic and research communities and civil society overall,  the private sector, technical communities and other relevant actors - ‎to share best practices and build capacity in developing countries on the digital transformation and ‎cybersecurity fronts. The participants will discover the prerequisites needed to ensure the ‎sustainability of best practices and the roles different actors can play in advancing national capacity on ‎digital transformation and cybersecurity.

In support of  

 Driven by the call in the UN Decade of Action to partner for the Sustainable Development ‎Goals (SDG), the workshop will support stakeholders by focusing on themes covered in Goal 9: Build resilient infrastructure, promote sustainable industrialization and foster innovation and ‎Goal 16: Promote just, peaceful and inclusive societies.‎

The workshops are open to everyone to participate. Stakeholders from developing countries are particularly invited to join and bring experiences from their communities. Given the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, the workshops will be hosted online, until protocols allow for physical attendance as an option.