Mauritius IGF

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The Mauritius IGF, founded in 2017, is a collaborative leadership event that encourages policy dialogue between State and Non-State actors and amongst stakeholders on the issue of Internet Governance. The Mauritius IGF tries to group together all stakeholders whereby they are treated equally in their role of dialogue. It gives an exclusive space for people to interact and develop solutions concerning Internet problems. Mauritius IGF aims at providing a forum at the national and regional levels that engages industry, government, academicians, educational institutions, media, and civil society on debates about Internet Governance issues. The importance of the issues is directed towards stakeholder’s empowerment, of all disciplines, gender and ages.


Initiative Country
Initiative Location on map
POINT (57.499624 -20.164169)
Initiatives Region
Type of Initiative
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Name of Coordinator
Mahendranath Busgopaul
Primary Email address
Annual meeting Information
9-10 August 2024, Port Louis, Mauritius