MAG 2025 Renewal

Call for Nominations for the 2025 Internet Governance Forum 
Multistakeholder Advisory Group‎ 

The Internet Governance Forum's Multistakeholder Advisory Group (IGF MAG) has been instrumental in planning the programme of the annual IGF meetings. We express our gratitude to all past and present members of MAG who have donated their time, effort and valuable guidance in ensuring the smooth running of the IGF.‎

On behalf of the United Nations Secretary-General, the Department of Economic and Social ‎‎Affairs (DESA) is requesting nominations from current and past MAG members, as well as from the members of the Working Group on Internet Governance (WGIG), from all stakeholders and regional groups to renew the IGF 2025 Multistakeholder Advisory Group (MAG). 

The MAG 2025 will be appointed through an exceptional approach, seeking nominations from the MAG and WGIG alumni pool rather than the traditional broad community nominations process. This approach ensures that the specific expertise and experience gained through the MAG and WGIG work will strategically guide the IGF’s preparations for the 20-year review process of the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS+20) and the IGF mandate. This experienced MAG will help navigate the unique challenges of planning for the 20th annual IGF meeting, which will take place in June 2025 with limited preparation time, and will also provide guidance on strengthening the future MAG’s long-term working modalities. 

Current and past MAG members, as well as WGIG members, from Governments, the private sector, civil society, and technical communities, are encouraged to nominate up to two candidates, alumni MAG or WGIG members, from the same stakeholder group, representing both developed and developing countries as well as economies in transition.

Selected nominees will serve a one-year term on the MAG. They will bring valuable experience from their IGF-related work and perspectives from their respective groups on Internet governance. The selection process, as well as the final membership composition, will ensure a balanced representation in terms of geography, stakeholders, and gender.

As a transitional measure, 2024 MAG members who have not yet completed three years of service will have the option to resume their service in 2026, allowing them to continue their work without interruption. This continuation of service is subject to the renewal of the IGF mandate, their sustained interest, and any revisions to the MAG’s working methods or selection processes that may arise from the upcoming IGF review.

More information about the selection and operating principles of the MAG is available ‎at the IGF ‎website. Please submit the nominations to the IGF Secretariat by 28 November 2024 using ‎the online submission template found at the IGF website. 

Thank you and I look forward to the continued success of the Internet Governance Forum.‎                                                                                                                                

                                                                                                                                             Mr. Li Junhua
                                                                                                           Under-Secretary-General for Economic and Social Affairs