Organizer 1: Luis Barbosa, UNU EGOV
Organizer 2: Delfina Soares, UNU EGOV
Organizer 3: Mactar Seck, 🔒
Organizer 4: Thomas Senaji, The East African University
Speaker 1: Luis Barbosa, Technical Community, Intergovernmental Organization
Speaker 2: Mactar Seck, Intergovernmental Organization, Intergovernmental Organization
Speaker 3: Thomas Senaji, Private Sector, Intergovernmental Organization
Duration (minutes): 60
Format description: EOund table or theatre style.
(A) The nature of human life has changed from when human rights were formulated explicitly in the last century. Integrating digital transformation into citizens’ daily lives with a great change: a "new" way of human rights? (B) Will the agility of technology and rapid changes in technical innovation cause confusion in a relatively short time, regarding human rights? (C) Should digit transformation be geared to define new types of rights that may be called "Community rights" being an umbrella to human individual rights? hence less become less dependent on the seed of technology advances?
What will participants gain from attending this session? Takeaways include" (1) Clear understanding of the aspects of human rights that are possibly vulnerable to the inclusion of digital transformation, and the nature of such vulnerability. (2) As digital connectivity is providing possibilities of cybercrime and violation of safety, discussion of capabilities and limitations of the new technologies that are used, regarding affecting human rights and freedom (3) Considerations of general policies that should be considered in introducing digital technologies to cultures, ethics, and human integrity in different nations
Examining the profound impact of digital technologies on various aspects of human life, it seems there is a pressing need to redefine human rights, including interpretations and limitations. The issues of privacy, freedom of expression, access to information, and democratic participation for them frontline sectors and areas could be affected drastically, or well positively through such digital achievements... Fundamental principles of human rights remain unchanged, yet the advent of digital technologies has raised new challenges and complexities that require adaptation and reinterpretation of existing human rights frameworks.
(1) A detailed text transcription with a summary of essential facts, opinions, and recommendations (2) A document that could act as guidelines for a possible mini-conference that can be addressed in this topic by interested organizations in the future
Hybrid Format: (1) 10 minutes: Preset questions and case studies will be reared and shared with all participants. (2) 40 minutes: The moderator will go through each item o and case study to discuss, analyze with speakers and participants, relating to some case studies (3) At the end, 10 minutes of summary and sharing