IGF 2024 WS #233 Towards Substantive Equality in AI: An inclusive approach

    Organizer 1: Isadora Hellegren, Mila
    Organizer 2: Séguin Camille, CEIMIA
    Organizer 3: Nandini Chami, 🔒IT for Change

    Speaker 1: Paola Ricaurte Quijano, Civil Society, Latin American and Caribbean Group (GRULAC)
    Speaker 2: Benjamin Prud'homme, Technical Community, Western European and Others Group (WEOG)
    Speaker 3: Anita Gurumurthy, Civil Society, Asia-Pacific Group
    Speaker 4: Wanda Berenice Munoz Jaime, Civil Society, Latin American and Caribbean Group (GRULAC)

    Isadora Hellegren, Technical Community, Western European and Others Group (WEOG)
    Online Moderator
    Nandini Chami, Civil Society, Asia-Pacific Group
    Séguin Camille, Civil Society, Western European and Others Group (WEOG)

    Duration (minutes): 90
    Format description: A roundtable format is the best layout for this session as it will enable constructive exchange of ideas and provide the best learning opportunities for speakers and participants alike. All participants are encouraged to critically and constructively engage in the discussion, and or to share their experiences and learnings relevant for the application for the approach and recommendations.

    Policy Question(s)

    How should policymakers program for equality and non-discrimination in diversity and gender equality measures in AI ecosystems going beyond technical ideas of de-biasing? How to shift focus from procedural parity/equal treatment of women and marginalized groups to one of transformative equality and diversity – through positive/affirmative actions in AI ecosystems?

    What will participants gain from attending this session? The IGF’s unique format allows rich dialogue and discussion with multi-constituency participation, not limited to those who are physically present at the event. An IGF roundtable will enable wide sharing of the innovative GPAI approach for inclusive AI. It will the provide the participants with: A practical guide on how to effectively incorporate gender and diversity approaches in the development and implementation of AI strategy. Learnings from documented promising practices and raised awareness of key actors and organizations who have already taken steps towards transformative AI approaches. A conceptually well-grounded framework on inclusive AI policies directed at governments, but also for interested private sector, technical community and civil society actors. An increased understanding of what gender equality and real diversity mean in AI ecosystems and how policies can further the same by anchoring in international human rights frameworks and gender equality standards.


    Structured in a roundtable format, this workshop will provide an opportunity to engage and exchange on a practical guide with actionable recommendations and promising practices on how to effectively incorporate gender and diversity approaches in the development and implementation of AI strategy. This practical guide is based on multistakeholder consultations held in multiple regions, and a compilation of promising techno-institutional practices that promote diversity and gender equality. This work is carried out within the Global Partnership for AI’s (GPAI) Working Group on Responsible AI with the objective of providing the AI ecosystem, in particular duty bearers, with actionable recommendations, practices, and tools to support the adoption of good practices that are context-sensitive, as well as rooted in international human rights and gender equality standards. The session will begin with a short presentation of the published key recommendations alongside a framework for transforming gender and other social relations in AI strategy development to address the inclusion, participation, and equitable representation of women and individuals from marginalized groups. We will then provide a step-by-step overview of the practical guide on how to effectively incorporate these approaches into strategy development and implementation and provide examples of promising practices. The presentations will be led by members of the GPAI Responsible AI working group, Mila, and CEIMIA, as well as IT for Change, who have engaged in the framework development. The floor will then be opened up for rounds of discussions on the following: What are the key takeaways from the transformative approach to AI strategy development and implementation? How can the key recommendations and practical guide contribute to advancing gender diversity and AI in various regional contexts? What promising practices come to mind from the empirical experiences of the participants – with respect to effectively addressing gender equality and diversity throughout AI lifecycles?

    Expected Outcomes

    The roundtable dialogues and discussions will be documented and insights used to inform work towards the next steps of the GPAI working group on concretizing and implementing policy recommendations for effective integration of gender equality and diversity considerations throughout the AI lifecycle.

    Hybrid Format: We will start the session with a slido opinion poll on gender equality and diversity in AI ecosystems - which will enable engagement from on-site and on-line participants on an equal footing. Framing presentations will be supported by visual aids/power points to ensure that the framing conversations are clear to online participants as well. In the discussions at the roundtable, we will use a subgroups format before reconvening into a plenary, where we will also engage with the virtual participants through our online moderator - in the 3 discussion rounds - with opportunity for subgroups to report back.