Organizer 1: Qusai AlShatty, ??
Organizer 2: Chafic Chaya, RIPE NCC
Speaker 1: Christine Arida, Government, African Group
Speaker 2: khaled Wally, Intergovernmental Organization, Intergovernmental Organization
Speaker 3: Zeina Bouharb, Government, Asia-Pacific Group
Speaker 4: Internet Society Saudi, Civil Society, Asia-Pacific Group
Speaker 5: Ayman El-Sherbiny, Intergovernmental Organization, Intergovernmental Organization
Duration (minutes): 90
Format description: The Workshop will be conducted on a collaborative manner. The speakers will provide the background on IG related activities in Arab World and the workshop attendees (onsite and online) will actively engage in the discussion of such activities. The Theater format will be the most suitable format to set the participants and attendees in the collaborative mode for this workshop in order to ensure the maximum benefit from their views and inputs.
• Who are the key players and stakeholders groups that are actively involved in the IG scene in the Arab World. • What IG-related activities and mechanisms exists today in the region, and to what extent it is effective? • How does the Arab World view itself within the region and the global scene in issues and policies related to IG? • How the current situation can be improved.
What will participants gain from attending this session? The participants will gain knowledge on the current landscape of Internet Governance in the Arab World, who are the key players, and to what extent the current practices are effective. For the Arab IG community, it will be an important opportunity to interact with IG experts and stakeholders from around the world to learn new aspects, grasp best practices, gain new experiences and remain up to date in matters related to IG.
The global IGF (IGF 2024), in its 19th version, will be hosted in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Since the launch of the IGF, it will be the second time an Arab country will be the host after Egypt in 2009. This represents an important opportunity for the Internet Governance community in the Arab World to outline and discuss the landscape of the IG process in the region in terms of: • Policy dialogue and development. • Multistakeholder participation and engagement. • What has been accomplished so far? • The priorities and top issues of the regions according to each stakeholder group. The above points will focus on key players, organizations, and stakeholder groups actively involved in IG-related matters in the region. The workshop will provide an important opportunity to interact with experts from around the world and with active IG participants to: • Help evaluate and assess the IG process in the Arab World. • Shed the light on IG best practices that can be adopted in the Arab world. • Introduce means and mechanisms to make the IG-related process more inclusive in the Arab World. • Link the region IG agenda with global IGF. The IGF 2024 in Saudi Arabia presents a pivotal moment for Internet Governance (IG) in the Arab World, marking a significant opportunity since Egypt hosted the event in 2009. This workshop will explore: - The evolution and current landscape of IG policies in the Arab World. - The effectiveness of multistakeholder participation and its impact on policy development. - Achievements and top priorities in regional IG, identifying active organizations and stakeholder groups. The workshop aims to foster a comprehensive dialogue among its participants (onsite and online) on enhancing IG practices, ensuring more inclusive processes, and linking regional activities with global IG frameworks.
The Workshop will produce a publication documenting the interaction and the discussion that took place with the workshop participants. The publication will focus on best practises that can be adopted and on how to improve the current IG process in the Arab World. It will have a follow up event within the regional Arab IGF to improve the modalities of IG in the region as well as how evolve the current Arab IGF into being more inclusive, gain a better audience and influence IG related processes in the Arab World.
Hybrid Format: The Workshop will be conducted in Hybrid mode to allow the maximum benefit from the discussion, views, and inputs of all participants onsite and online. Beside the workshop moderator, there will be an online moderator to coordinate and facilitate the exchange of point views and discussions between the onsite and online attendees. This moderation will ensure that time allocated for both onsite and online is balanced based on the level of interaction among the attendees (onsite/online).