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IGF 2024 WS #142 Good practice - Youth participation in media regulation

    Organizer 1: Martin Fischer, DKHW
    Organizer 2: Jutta Croll, 🔒Stiftung Digitale Chancen / Digital Opportunities Foundation

    Speaker 1: Jutta Croll, Civil Society, Western European and Others Group (WEOG)
    Speaker 2: AMANDA THIRD, Technical Community, Asia-Pacific Group
    Speaker 3: Martin Fischer, Civil Society, Western European and Others Group (WEOG)
    Speaker 4: Germán López Ardila, Civil Society, Latin American and Caribbean Group (GRULAC)


    Jutta Croll, Civil Society, Western European and Others Group (WEOG)

    Online Moderator

    Martin Fischer, Civil Society, Western European and Others Group (WEOG)


    Sophie Pohle, Civil Society, Western European and Others Group (WEOG)


    Duration (minutes): 90
    Format description: The session aims at audience interaction. Case studies for youth interaction will be brief but from the different stakeholder groups, to allow for questions and feedback and give the possibility to hear different perspectives on the processes.

    Policy Question(s)

    1. How are the perspectives of children recognised in the national media regulatory systems?
    2. Which are the edge cases in media regulation and what impact did the perspective of Children’s Rights have on it?
    3. How can particularly the perspective of young children be reflected in media regulation without overwhelming them with challenging content?

    What will participants gain from attending this session? The session will showcase current participatory media regulation approaches and consider them with perspectives from child protection, youth participation and international diverse views. The workshop will give participants a space to explore current media regulation concepts and the regional perspectives and priorities in the system. Additionally, participation possibilities in these processes will be highlighted.


    Contemporary media regulation recognises Childrens Rights and must balance the protection of children’s development with their evolving capacities and rights to access information, culture, their rights to play and leisure as well as their right to participate in decision making on all matters affecting them. This led to regulatory bodies creating youth participation councils that are consulted on cases, procedures, and communication.

    The workshop seeks to create a space to exchange practices of participatory media regulation from different regions of the world and involve the perspectives of child protection, youth participation and self-regulatory bodies and showcase current practice and experiences.

    Expected Outcomes

    Results from the workshop will be shared through protocols and reports within the Children’s Rights community, as well as through the International Age Rating Coalition. The outputs will also feed into our on-going project supporting self-regulatory media agencies in implementing youth participation into their structures.

    Hybrid Format: We will have a dedicated online moderator, reaching out and activating participants in the online channels. The offline moderator will be briefed to check for online contributions and arrange a quota of on- and off-line participants on the speaker list.
    To support the output of the session and allow better access, information materials and presentations will be shared in a file repository.