IGF 2024 Lightning Talk #157 Creating an A.I (African Intelligence)

    Internet South Africa
    Sabelo Zimu, Internet Society South Africa, Academia, Africa Region Gabriel Karsan, Emerging Youth Initiative, Civil Society Group, Africa Region Jesse Nathan Kalange, Internet Society Uganda, Civil Society, Africa Region


    Sabelo Zimu, Internet Society South Africa, Academia, Africa Region Dennis Ramphomane, South African Artificial Intelligence Association & GIZ, Legal, Africa Region

    Onsite Moderator
    Jesse Nathan Kalange
    Online Moderator
    Chantel Nomsa Shabangu
    Gabriel Karsan Msabila

    8. Decent Work and Economic Growth
    9. Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
    10. Reduced Inequalities
    17. Partnerships for the Goals

    Targets: 8 - AI is feared to wipe out the labour market and we aim to give people insight on how to adapt 17 - In the digital age, we aim to have everyone par and as such continental partnerships may help especially with relation to this fast moving technology 10 - DATA, How do we create an AI that has little to no bias to the African person 9 - How do we foster innovation amidst this technology without losing any form of credibility, what sort of industries are going to be prominent in this present future?


    Hybrid Roundtable

    Duration (minutes)

    This session is here to outline our position as Africa versus first world countries. The comparison will be solely focused on the regulation of the emerging technology of Artificial Intelligence in the continent of Africa and as such we shall delve into detail on the recent position of the African Union on the Development of a Continental Strategy on Artificial Intelligence (AI). This speaks to the governance subtheme of the IGF and this lightning talk aims to find missing gaps and possible alternatives, if any to such a strategy.

    We aim to fully utilize the platforms and tools that allow for real-time communication and collaboration among onsite and online participants with interactivity such as equal space such as chat, with Q&A and a poll to boost arguments and dialogue. The moderator will Encourage dynamic with story themed and data backed provisions and make the dialogue resourceful and with vivd experiences encouraging to ask questions and provide feedback, both verbally and in writing, using the online platforms and tools.