IGF 2024 Day 0 Event #176 Smart Africa Session on Data Protection, Privacy and Technologies and ccTLDs for Governments and Regulators

    Smart Africa
    GUIGUEMDE Rodrigue, Smart Africa, Africa Group


    Tentative Agenda (1 hour) : Moderate by Smart Africa Expert or IGF Organizer. Remarks by Smart Africa by Lacina KONE, Director General CEO Presentation on Data Protection and Privacy : Data Governance Expert and Smart Africa Expert on Data Governance Blueprint. Presentation on cCTLDs and National Governance : Arthur Carindal, Consultant expert on cCTLD and IP address Moderated Q&A (Take advantage to get Regional Experiences Sharing from some RECs (ECOWAS, AUC, IGAD, EAC, AICTO, Etc..) and discuss on Regional Collaboration,Participants Presentation on Recommendations and Way Forward and Closing Remarks, Smart Africa. Rapporteur : Rodrigue GUIGUEMDE, Smart Africa

    Onsite Moderator
    Smart Africa
    Online Moderator
    Smart Africa
    Rodrigue GUIGUEMDE, Smart Africa

    9. Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
    17. Partnerships for the Goals

    Targets: SDG 9: Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure Resilient Infrastructure : Effective data protection and privacy regulations contribute to creating secure and reliable digital infrastructure. By ensuring that data is protected and managed appropriately, governments and organizations can build more resilient digital platforms and services. Innovation : Balancing data protection with innovation is crucial for fostering technological advancement. The session will address how emerging technologies can enhance data privacy while supporting innovation, thus aligning with the goal of fostering resilient and sustainable infrastructure. SDG 17: Partnerships for the Goals Global Cooperation : The session fosters cross-border collaboration and knowledge sharing, which is essential for tackling global challenges related to data privacy and ccTLD management. By bringing together various stakeholders, the session contributes to building partnerships that advance global data governance strategies.






    In a rapidly digitalizing world, the security and privacy of data are more critical than ever. SmartAfrica's session at the Global IGF 2024 in Riyadh will explore key issues surrounding data protection, privacy technologies, and the governance of country code Top-Level Domains (ccTLDs) for governments and regulators. This session aligns with SmartAfrica’s commitment to capacity building as outlined in the Smart Africa Manifesto and will foster collaborative solutions among stakeholders to advance digital policies. We will delve into global and regional data regulation trends, evaluate the impact of emerging technologies on privacy, and examine the strategic role of ccTLDs in national digital strategies. Objectives include enhancing participant expertise, promoting cross-border collaboration, and aligning practices with regional frameworks. Main Content : Data Protection and Privacy : Challenges in Modern Data Regulation to address the balance between data-driven innovation and privacy preservation. And discuss challenges faced by regulations like the EU’s GDPR and the USA’s CCPA, including cross-border cCTLDs and National Governance : Examine how ccTLD governance interacts with and supports broader data protection and privacy regulations. And Discuss the role of ccTLDs in national digital policies and their influence on both regional and global data governance strategies

    We wish for the room to be equipped with a video conferencing system. A PowerPoint presentation will guide the session, allowing participants to follow the speakers' slides, and a drive will be created to share useful documents before the session starts with those who have registered. Emails will be sent to our target database to facilitate registration and participation either in person or online. Additionally, a pre-event communication campaign will be conducted to promote the event on social media.