Bureau of Internet Laws and Regulations, Cyberspace Administration of China
1. Mr. LI Changxi, Director of Bureau of Internet Laws and Regulations, Cyberspace Administration of China. 2. Mr. LI Min, Division Director of Bureau of Internet Laws and Regulations, Cyberspace Administration of China. 3. Prof. LIANG Yingxiu, Dean of School of Law, Beijing Normal University. 4. Prof. WU Shenkuo, School of Law, Beijing Normal University. 5. Ms. AI Huizi, School of Law, Beijing Normal University.
1. Mr. LI Changxi, Director of Bureau of Internet Laws and Regulations, Cyberspace Administration of China. 2. Mr. LI Min, Division Director of Bureau of Internet Laws and Regulations, Cyberspace Administration of China. 3. Prof. LIANG Yingxiu, Dean of School of Law, Beijing Normal University. 4. Prof. WU Shenkuo, School of Law, Beijing Normal University. 5. Ms. AI Huizi, School of Law, Beijing Normal University.
Targets: With the profound development of globalization and digitalization, the seamless flow and utilization of data have become essential drivers of economic innovation and social development. Faced with the opportunities for development and security risks associated with the massive processing and application of data, individuals worldwide are increasingly recognizing the crucial importance of fair and effective data governance in promoting public welfare and ensuring sustainable development. Furthermore, there is also a growing recognition of the need for comprehensive ecosystem cultivation and a sound legal framework oriented towards future needs in data governance. As effective data governance is of great value to public well-being and sustainable development, the future-oriented data governance requires good rule of law safeguards. The Bureau of Internet Laws and Regulations of Cyberspace Administration of China intends to organize an event to exchange and share the insights on the current status and development trends of data governance in different countries and regions around the world, to explore and study the main concerns and challenges and their legal responses, and to promote the strengthening of international exchanges and cooperation in the field of legalization of data governance. This event will bring together global stakeholders, including government bodies, civil society, technology communities, and private sectors, representing diverse regions such as Asia, Africa, Europe and the Americas. The forum will serve as a constant platform for more collective dialogues and it also seeks to contribute to the establishment of a sustainable legal ecology that upholds the shared human values in data governance.
Day-0 session
With the profound development of globalization and digitalization, the seamless flow and utilization of data have become essential drivers of economic innovation and social development. Faced with the opportunities for development and security risks associated with the massive processing and application of data, individuals worldwide are increasingly recognizing the crucial importance of fair and effective data governance in promoting public welfare and ensuring sustainable development. Furthermore, there is also a growing recognition of the need for comprehensive ecosystem cultivation and a sound legal framework oriented towards future needs in data governance. As effective data governance is of great value to public well-being and sustainable development, the future-oriented data governance requires good rule of law safeguards. The Bureau of Internet Laws and Regulations of Cyberspace Administration of China intends to organize the event to exchange and share the insights on the current status and development trends of data governance in different countries and regions around the world, to explore and study the main concerns and challenges and their legal responses, and to promote the strengthening of international exchanges and cooperation in the field of legalization of data governance.
1. Utilize appropriate video conferencing tools such as Zoom or similar platforms, complemented with online/offline audiovisual streaming equipment, to ensure that online participants have a comprehensive view of the event venue throughout the entire duration. Simultaneously, guarantee that offline speakers and attendees have full visibility of all online participants, thereby achieving a "face-to-face" visual and auditory experience for both online and offline attendees. 2. The event is structured into four main segments: opening remarks, keynote speeches, interactive Q&A sessions, and closing remarks. The on-site host and online host will collaborate seamlessly to organize and host the entire event, ensuring efficient time management and providing ample opportunities for all stakeholders to express their views. Following the completion of on-site speeches, the hosts will guide online participants to share real-time insights and perspectives on the event theme. They may also pose relevant questions to the on-site speakers, who will provide immediate responses. Furthermore, the hosts will ensure a structured cross-interaction between online and offline participants, maintaining a smooth flow of engagement according to the predetermined schedule. 3. Throughout the event, a comprehensive assessment should be made regarding the adoption of suitable tools/platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, or Weibo. This will enable the broadest possible participation and enhance the level of interaction during the event.