Networking sessions are interactive gatherings of stakeholders interested in the same or a similar issue on Internet governance. Their open (in the case of face-to-face events - open-seating) formats are spontaneous and can serve as icebreakers, prompting quicker ways for people to get to know each other. Networking sessions are also a suitable session type for social gatherings, or for gatherings of people and organizations from a particular region, stakeholder group, or area of activity.
Organizations active in the Internet governance ecosystem, organizations wishing to present their work in the global Internet governance ecosystem and who can clearly outline the Internet governance-related objective to be achieved through this session, are invited to submit requests for a session slot through the application e-form.
Networking Sessions should focus on Internet governance-pertinent activities. In addition, it is suggested they link to the IGF 2024 subthemes, selectable in the submission form:
IGF 2024 Subthemes
- Harnessing innovation and balancing risks in the digital space
- Enhancing the digital contribution to peace, development, and sustainability
- Advancing human rights and inclusion in the digital age
- Improving digital governance for the Internet We Want
The standard durations to choose from are 30, 45 or 60 minutes. For other types of specific requests, please email the IGF Secretariat.
Session support: Webcast: No | Transcription: No | Interpretation: No
The deadline for requesting Networking Session slots at the 19th IGF is 5 May 2024, 23:59 UTC.