IGF 2023 Networking Session #68 Building Bridges: ISOC Youth and Alumni Networking

    Monday, 9th October, 2023 (08:45 UTC) - Monday, 9th October, 2023 (09:30 UTC)
    WS 6 – Room E

    Ghana Youth IGF
    Nicolas Fiumarelli - Youth IGF Uruguay, Civil Society, GRULAC Osei Manu Kagyah - Ghana Youth IGF - Civil Society, Africa Mauricia Abdol Tshilunda - Youth Coalition on Internet Governance, Civil Society, Africa Tori Irvine - Program Specialist, Fellowships Internet Society United States of America, North America, Civil Society, Pranav Tiwari - Empowerment Program Specialist, Fellowships- Internet Society - Technical Community , APAC


    Tori Irvine - Program Specialist, Fellowships Internet Society North America Pranav Tiwari - Empowerment Program Specialist, Fellowships- Internet Society - Technical Community , APAC

    Onsite Moderator
    Mauricia Abdol Tshilunda
    Online Moderator
    Osei Manu Kagyah
    Nicolas Flumarelli


    Targets: SDG 16: This networking session also aims to emphasize the critical importance of fostering an inclusive digital ecosystem that empowers and engages youth, enabling them to fully harness the vast opportunities presented by the Internet and other transformative technologies. By focusing on SDG 16 (Sustainable Development Goal 16) and its objective of promoting peace, justice, and strong institutions, we recognize the significance of ensuring that young individuals have equal access to digital resources, meaningful participation in decision-making processes, and the necessary skills to navigate and utilize the digital world effectively. SDG 18: Another crucial aspect of this networking session is to shed light on the essential need for comprehensive capacity building initiatives. By prioritizing SDG 18 (Sustainable Development Goal 18), which encompasses the importance of enhancing education, training, and lifelong learning opportunities, we aim to emphasize the significance of empowering youth with the necessary knowledge, skills, and resources to actively contribute to the digital ecosystem. Through targeted capacity building efforts, we can enable young individuals to navigate digital challenges, foster innovation, and contribute to sustainable development in the digital era.


    Networking session

    Duration (minutes)

    In an era where global cooperation is essential, we invite you to join this dynamic networking session hosted by the Internet Society's (ISOC) Youth IGF Ambassadors and the ISOC Alumni Network. This session is designed to strengthen the bonds between current Youth IGF Ambassadors, ISOC alumni, and other participants both on-site in Kyoto and online, while promoting the spirit of volunteerism inherent in the ISOC community. This hybrid session will be a mixture of interactive, game-based activities, and substantive discussions. We aim to build a diverse and engaged community of individuals dedicated to enhancing, expanding, and safeguarding the internet from a myriad of perspectives. The session will start with participants splitting into small groups, facilitated by breakout rooms for online participants and physical tables for on-site attendees in Kyoto. This structure encourages open conversations and the exchange of ideas on a more personal level. Throughout the session, we'll explore the challenges and opportunities in our respective regions, and brainstorm ways to foster improved cooperation among regions. Our goal is to stimulate dialogue that aligns with our mission of advocating for an open, stable, and interconnected Internet. In the final segment of the session, we'll come together for an open floor discussion where each group will present the outcomes of their discussions. This will not only allow for a sharing of insights from different perspectives, but also assist in establishing a shared roadmap on enhancing our network and collaborations on internet governance topics at the global, regional, and local levels. This networking session is open to all individuals, with a special invitation extended to Internet Society members. We strongly believe in the power of diverse voices and the potential they hold for strengthening the internet. Join us in this session, as we foster stronger ties among the ISOC Youth IGF Ambassadors, ISOC alumni, and the wider Internet Society community. Together, we can brainstorm, collaborate, and chart new paths for the future of Internet governance.

    The speakers and the organizing team for this session have confirmed their physical participation in Kyoto, Japan. The session will take into consideration the online participation needs of both the organizing team members, speakers, and the audience. Close to the IGF, if a speaker or an organizing team member is not able to participate physically, the online moderator and the other members will ensure the smooth online participation of that person. The online participants will be able to participate in the session interactively. The online moderator physically present at the IGF venue will be responsible for ensuring that online the audiences have an equal opportunity to contribute to the session discussions. The online moderator will be responsible for checking if the online audience has any issues, and whether there are questions or comments posted in the chat of the online meeting platform which need to be read aloud to the speakers and participants onsite. Also, remote hubs will be given priority to contribute to the session discussions. The rapporteur will capture all contributions made by both the online and onsite audience which will contribute to the final report of the session