IGF 2023 Networking Session #34 Metaverse, Sustainability and Inclusion

    Monday, 9th October, 2023 (06:15 UTC) - Monday, 9th October, 2023 (07:15 UTC)

    World Metaverse Council
    World Metaverse Council (wmetac.com): World Metaverse Council has over 1000 members from 100 countries and WMC members will be online to contribute https://metaverse-standards.org/ https://metaverseassociation.co/ ITU https://metaversesafetyweek.org/


    World Metaverse Council (wmetac.com): World Metaverse Council has over 1000 members from 100 countries and WMC members will be online to contribute https://metaverse-standards.org/ https://metaverseassociation.co/ ITU https://metaversesafetyweek.org/

    Onsite Moderator
    Dr Jane Thomason
    Online Moderator
    Pilar Orero
    Dr Jane Thomason

    Two moderators have been appointed. One online moderator to take care of remote participation on issues such as: connectivity, accessibility, and the chat. The face to face moderator who will interact to seamlessly allow for a free flow discussion. Accessibility issues will be taken into consideration such as subtitles/captions, and audio description of any visual element, from PPT to presenters. Both the remote and the face to face event will be accessible, as a showcase of what is expected in the Metaverse.

    Duration (minutes)

    This networking session will focuse on a framework for an accessible and inclusive metaverse. The metaverse is created by modelling and simulating a real world, and against the existing barriers for an inclusive real world, WMC plans to design sustainable, inclusive and accessible metaverses by design. Recently, metaverse has become one disruptive area of innovation with great potential to change our economy, way of living and communicating and society. In this nascent phase of the metaverse, the industry has not converged towards common terms and definitions. The metaverse concept has attracted considerable public attention. The Networking session will analyse the technical requirements of the metaverse to identify fundamental enabling technologies in areas from multimedia and network optimization to digital currencies, Internet of Things, digital twins, and environmental sustainability. The workshop will provide information regarding the collaboration platform, welcome participants for dialogue, for identifying stakeholders for collaboration, and for enabling the inclusion of non-members to contribute to the emergent thinking . The networking session will identify relevant use cases and discuss 1. How can the metaverse regulate and secure inclusiveness and accessibility. 2. How to raise awareness of a metaverse and address sustainability and inclusion 3. How to engage a diverse civil society and industry towards a joint collaboration for metaverses for All.

    The online facilitator will ensure connectivity for all remote participants and manage them during the session. The in person facilitator will ensure online participants are included.