IGF 2023 Lightning Talk #74 Building Citizens’ Capacities of Digital Resilience and Cybe

    Sunday, 8th October, 2023 (06:30 UTC) - Sunday, 8th October, 2023 (07:00 UTC)
    SC – Room H

    Cybersecurity, Cybercrime & Online Safety
    New Technologies and Risks to Online Security

    Naif Arab University for Security Sciences
    Naif Arab University for Security Siences Dr. Fahad Mohammed Alharbi



    Onsite Moderator
    Individual talk
    Online Moderator
    Individual talk
    Individual talk

    3. Good Health and Well-Being
    4. Quality Education
    8. Decent Work and Economic Growth
    9. Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure

    Targets: Sustainable devlopment goals highlight the importance of digital communication as a main enabler of development in varius aspects, SDGs require capacity building for digital resilience and cyber safety. There are some SDGs that are more digitally-fcused than other SDGs. The proposed topic is linked explicitly to four of the sustainable development goals: SDG9 which aims to build resilience infrustructure, promote inclusive, and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation", SDG3 relating to health and SDG4 Good quality education, and finally SDG8 relating to econoic growth, in which the transformative technology has direct and indirect impact on achieving sustaiable development and promote resilience at the organizational and individual level.


    Presentation on the previosly identified topic.

    Duration (minutes)

    Individual talk and presentation about Building Citizens’ Capacities of Digital Resilience and Cyber Safety The human community has witnessed a great digital transformation during the last two decades, which has been referred to as (Deep Digitalization). This great digital transformation may be realized through some factors as follow:  Big data  E-learning  Intelligent algorithms  Artificial intelligence  Advanced network solutions  Increasing dependence on digital infrastructures for performing and playing many social duties and roles. This affects our society and changes the individual behaviors that may be recognized by answering the following questions:  How do we communicate?  How do we make our social relationships?  How do we make shopping?  How do we express our thoughts and opinions?  How do we love, hate, and show our emotions?  How do we reconcile and antagonize?  How do we test and perform our work?  How do we access mass media and culture tools?  How do we make our relationships as citizens and customers with government institutions and business enterprises? In the light of this digital transformation, some individuals, extremist groups, and official and unofficial organizations use many social media for disseminating misleading information and false news. They adopt a methodological online approach for defaming the individual viewpoints, harming social cohesion, and threatening the national security of some countries. This created many security challenges that should be encountered by all countries to achieve cyber safety for their citizens. Therefore, the concept of digital resilience has recently appeared. The research centers and think tanks make increasing discussions and research on the policies and ways that may be employed for building citizens’ capacities of digital resilience to encounter cyber threats. In this context, this paper discusses some ways for building the citizens’ capacities of digital resilience to strengthen their safety and security and enhance the national security of countries. An analytical description of this issue is provided through the following points:  Platforms community and national security challenges.  Digital resilience.  Building capabilities of digital resilience.  Policies and ways.

    The session will be based on a presentaion of the selected topic in a Powerpoint format and will recieve discussion questions on the presnted topic at the end of the session from onsite and online speakers and attendees.