IGF 2023 Launch / Award Event #69 Building a Global Partnership for Responsible Cyber Behavior

    Thursday, 12th October, 2023 (05:00 UTC) - Thursday, 12th October, 2023 (06:00 UTC)
    WS 11 – Room J

    Cybersecurity, Cybercrime & Online Safety
    Cyberattacks, Cyberconflicts and International Security

    Louise Marie Hurel, Royal United Services Institute, WEOG

    • Koichiro Komiyama, JPCERT, APAC (Technical Community)
    • Eugene EG Tan, S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies (RSIS), APAC (Academia)
    • John Hering, Microsoft, WEOG (Private Sector)
    • Charlotte Lindsey, Cyber Peace Institute, WEOG (Civil Society)
    • Regine Grienberger, Cyber Ambassador at the German Federal Foreign Office, WEOG (Government) 
    • Pablo Castro, Cybersecurity Coordinator at Chile's Ministry of Foreign Affairs, GRULAC (Government)

    Onsite Moderator
    Louise Marie Hurel, Royal United Services Institute, WEOG
    Online Moderator
    James Sullivan, Royal United Services Institute, WEOG
    Louise Marie Hurel, Royal United Services Institute, WEOG


    Targets: At the core of the Global Partnership for Responsible Cyber Behaviour is the assessment of national, regional and international mechanisms for ensuring accountability, transparency and other best practices in maintaining and securing cyberspace. Such an objective is directly linked to the 16.3 and 16.6 SDGs that touch upon precisely the same areas of effective, accountable and transparent institutions; preservation of rule of law; and international cooperation and capacity building. These mechanisms require a concerted effort if they are to (i) reflect the diversity and convergence of views around responsible cyber behaviour and (ii) encourage collaboration and exchange for future research and practice. The GP-RCB gathers scholars from different regions and seeks to provide a platform for multistakeholder knowledge exchange as further detailed in SDG 17.6, 17.16, and 17.17.


    The event will start with a short presentation of the Global Partnership for Responsible Cyber Behaviour (GP-RCB) which will be followed by a dynamic dialogue where stakeholders from different sectors as well as Partnership members will be provoked by a series of short Q&A with the moderator to explore their perceptions of what responsibility means in practice from their respective stakeholder perspective.

    Duration (minutes)

    The growing global dependence on digital technology and the internet brings with it serious risks and vulnerabilities, which state and non-state actors alike are exploiting to further their ends. Disruptive cyber operations are increasingly being used by hostile actors worldwide as they seek to achieve strategic advantage through cyberspace. Efforts to promote responsible cyber behaviour are arguably becoming more challenging. Despite positive achievements in the UN Group of Governmental Experts and Open-Ended Working Group, increasing tensions between key players, some of whom are actively promoting an approach to the internet directly counter to principles of freedom and openness, are making it hard to achieve international consensus on responsible behaviour. Part of the challenge is the lack of information and insights into the practicalities of responsible cyber behaviour. There is a need to map out how a wide range of countries and stakeholders are approaching the question of responsibility in this realm. This is a considerable knowledge gap in global cyber policy that needs to be filled. Responsible cyber behaviour can only be understood fully in a way that brings together expert perspectives from different regions and disciplines, ensuring a sustained and informed dialogue with policy makers and others engaged in decision making in this field. The event celebrates the launch of the Global Partnership for Responsible Cyber Behaviour an international platform to promote greater dialogue, debate, and research to advance the understanding of responsible behaviour in cyberspace. The event will gather Partnership members, government officials, technical community experts and private sector representatives to reflect on the gaps and opportunities facing responsibility within and across their respective sectors.

    At RUSI, we are committed with facilitating a dialogue that is not only restricted to the room. We are well-experienced in moderating and convening hybrid events and will also leverage our expertise to moderate the dialogue in the most inclusive way. We will make use of online interactive tools such as Slido or Webex to collate questions for the panellists. We would be keen on using Slido to support joint interaction between members both in person and online. This would also allow us to avoid overly differentiating audiences.