Digital Divides & Inclusion
Gender Digital Divide
Sulá Batsú Cooperative
Denise Leal, Private Sector (Brasília University, Natural Resources Law and Sustainable Development Research Group, Youth LACIGF and Brazilian Micro and Small Business Support Service) GRULAC, [email protected] - Online Moderator Karen Cruz, Civil Society (Sulá Batsú Cooperative, Youth Observatory, YouthLACIGF), GRULAC, [email protected] - Onsite Moderator Sakura Takahashi, Civil Society (representing the NGO Climate Youth Japan, ASIA, [email protected] - Rapporteur
Lia P. Hernández Pérez, Civil Society (lawyer in Panama and Spain. She is the director of Legal IT, the first legal boutique specialized in Digital Law in Panama and Co-founder of Ipandetec, a Central American digital rights organization. She is a member of the Itech Law Association, Co-chair of the International Association for Privacy Professional for Panama and a member of the Ibero-American Data Protection Observatory with which she obtained a research award from the Basque Data Protection Agency. She is also a member of the program committee of the Internet Governance Forum for Latin America and the Caribbean and of the Research Council of the Global Forum on Cyberexpertise -GFCE), GRULAC, [email protected] Umut Pajaro Velasquez, Internet Society Gender Standing Group, Civil society, GRULAC, [email protected] Hermenegildo Chingamba, Civil Society (Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, and Brazilian Micro and Small Business Support Service), AFRICA [email protected] Karen Cruz, Civil Society (Sulá Batsú Cooperative, Youth Observatory, YouthLACIGF), GRULAC, [email protected]
4. Quality Education
5. Gender Equality
9. Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
10. Reduced Inequalities
16. Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions
17. Partnerships for the Goals
Targets: Quality education (SDG 4): Education from a gender perspective guarantees that it can be inclusive, equitable and of quality. This promotes learning opportunities, which will allow the elimination of gender disparities in education, allowing equal access, and that is of utmost importance in the topic proposed for this panel, without education we do not have the means to ensure adequate training to discuss our needs, our digital rights and know why we do not have them. To close gender gaps and guarantee human rights in the digital, we require educational spaces that take into account the needs of the diverse population, that we can guarantee the most vulnerable populations and those who have not been taken into account in safe digital environments. Gender equality (SDG 5): The approach to regulating and holding platforms accountable can also be related to promoting gender equality. It is essential to ensure that platforms do not become spaces for the dissemination of hate speech, violence or gender discrimination. By implementing effective policies and mechanisms to combat cybercrime, platforms can contribute to a safe and inclusive online environment where everyone, regardless of gender, can express themselves freely. Industry, innovation, and infrastructure (SDG 9): Gender perspective can also be relevant to the goal of promoting sustainable industry, innovation, and infrastructure. Marginalization of genders might be combated, so we could achieve a space of creation and innovation with security and trust in the digital environment, stimulating the adoption of new technologies and the creation of robust and secure digital infrastructures. It can help in promoting domestic technology development and help people learn to access information and to communicate better, in both the developing and under-developed countries. Reducing inequalities (SDG 10): Gender equality in platforms make the digital environment more accessible and inclusive, narrowing the digital gap between different groups in society. Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions (SDG 16): The proposed theme is directly aligned with the goal of peace, justice and strong institutions. The session seeks to strengthen governance and promote justice in the digital environment. In addition, gender equality plays a crucial role in maintaining peace and stability in the digital world. Partnerships for the Goals (SDG 17): The proposed session also relates to the goal of partnerships for the goals. It is expected to encourage collaboration and cooperation among different actors, such as governments, the private sector, civil society, and international organizations. These partnerships are essential to address the complex challenges.
Gathering and round table
Our lives are now also lived in the digital environment, and just as in the physical plane, in the digital space there are rights threats that people from different genders face every day, although no environment can be 100% controlled, the truth is that the gender gap is getting bigger and bigger. In this session, we intend, through open communication with the general public, to address, explore, analyze, and discuss from an inclusive and safe space, about the inequalities that people of different genders have in terms of digital rights. The speakers and participants will be able to share from their realities what are the gaps, causes and struggles that we carry out daily in digital life. To set the context, the discussion will begin with the exploration of Addis Ababa Messages from IGF 2022 pertinent to Digital Divides and Inclusion. Our young panelists, leading the change in their respective domains, will discuss the current state of regulation in their regions, and the instrumental role youth are playing towards progression. The speakers will delve into the repercussions of challenges on internet governance, and the role of technology in guaranteeing the designing of the technology we need, and solutions to deal with digital violence in times of AI, a threat to gender diversity that must be solvent by leaders. The digital era demands a response to face the gaps that are widening more and more, to avoid continuing negative progress, avoid power relations reproduced and increasingly violation of human rights. There is the need to incorporate tools, practices and popular education with a gender focus that will make marginalized groups feel more secure in virtual environments. The speakers will also delve into the theme of digital citizenship to propose the questioning about how different gender is in ownership of the digital rights such as: connectivity, data, algorithms, information, safe life, healthy environment, and decent work. By the end It is expected to stimulate the engagement of youth leaders, policymakers and platforms. And we will invite participants to review our work and discuss our proposals, while the output of this session will be shared with governments, international and non-governmental organizations.
To facilitate interaction between the speakers and in-person and online participants, the session organizers intend to adopt several strategies, such as incorporating live streaming of the session on the online platform, allowing online participants to view and actively participate in the session in real time; Using interactive tools, such as chat rooms, messaging platforms, or dedicated social media hashtags, to encourage communication and questions from both in-person and online participants; Assigning a moderator who can manage and coordinate participation between in-person and online participants, ensuring that questions and comments from both groups are addressed. To provide a positive experience for both online and on-site participants, the session is designed with consideration to providing clear and concise instructions to online participants on how to join and actively participate in the session, ensuring that the audio-visual quality is of a high standard for online participants, with clear images and good sound quality, allowing sufficient time for online participants to ask questions or make contributions, either through a dedicated Q&A session or by integrating their questions into the discussion, ensuring that slides or visuals used during the session are easily visible and accessible to both face-to-face and online participants. Session organizers, for gathering reason and mobilizations, also plan using complementary online tools/platforms to increase participation and interaction, such as: Use interactive poll tools and survey platforms to collect opinions and obtain contributions from both in-person and online participants; Create a dedicated online discussion forum or platform where participants can engage in ongoing discussions and share resources related to the session topic; Incorporate working group sessions, both in-person and online, to allow participants to engage in smaller, more focused discussions and later share key findings. The work of this session started with the team of YouthLACIGF, and will continue through IGF and follow-up events, speakers will make it clear that the space is open and free for contributions, and that the YouthLACIGF website will also present the report of this session such as the agenda of the next steps of this youth group towards innovations for human rights in gender perspective. The session aims from the outset to facilitate a round table in which participants are part of the session itself, ensuring an inclusive, participatory and interactive conversation. Provisional agenda: 5': Introduction and background. The moderator explains how the session will be conducted and notes that attendees can ask questions at any time they require, using the option of raising their hand, in the chat (online) through the Q&A space or by asking to speak (on-site). 40': The moderator introduces the political topics and addresses the speakers with questions in the form of a round table to carry a common thread of the session, however, as questions are asked by the participants we will have to take some topics that will come up at the right time. 10': Turn to speak. The moderator invites all participants to take the floor, either online or in situ. 5': Summary of the session, key points (speaker) and conclusions. The session will ensure interaction through a Q&A and comments section in the online application where the session is held (e.g. Zoom). Both online and face-to-face moderators will ensure that questions and comments are not overlooked through effective communication, but play an important role throughout the session.