IGF 2023 Day 0 Event #142 Consumer data rights from Japan to the world

    Sunday, 8th October, 2023 (04:45 UTC) - Sunday, 8th October, 2023 (07:45 UTC)
    WS 11 – Room J

    Data Governance & Trust
    Cross-border Data Flows and Trust
    Data Free Flow
    Data Privacy and Protection

    Consumers International
    Javier Ruiz Diaz, Consumers International, Civil Society, Western Europe (global) Paula Martins, Association for Progressive Cmmunications (APC), Civil Society, North America (global) Amy Kato, Consumers Rights Japan, Civil Society, Asia Charlotte Broyd, Consumers International, Civil Society, Western Europe (global) Hollie Hamblett, Consumers International, Civil Society, Western Europe (global)


    Amy Kato, Consumers Rights Japan, Civil Society, Asia Sheetal Kumar, Global Partners Digital, Civil Society, Europe Minako Morita-Jaeger, University of Sussex, Academia, Western Europe/Asia Diego Naranjo, European Digital Rights Initiative, Civil Society, Europe Lisa Garcia, Foundation for Media Alernative Philippines, Civil Society, Asia Toshimaru Ogura, Japan Computer Access Network (JCA-NET), Civil Society, Asia Damar Juniarto, SAFENet Indonesia, Civil society, Asia Masayuki Hatta, Movements for the Internet Active Users MIAU Japan, Civil Society, Asia Shoko Uchida, PARC Japan / G7 Civil Society lead, Civil Society, Asia Melinda St Louis, Public Citizen, Civil Society, North America

    Onsite Moderator
    Javier Ruiz Diaz
    Online Moderator
    Charlotte Broyd
    Hollie Hamblett


    Targets: This proposal directly relates to several Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) targets. From an economic perspective, enabling the data governance frameworks will that builds consumer trust are central elements of the development of transborder digital infrastructure (SDG 9.1) and allow for lsmall companies in developing countres to be part of gobal value chains (SDG 9.3). Enabling the participation of consumer groups and civil society (SDG 17.7), and particularly from developing countries (SDG 18.8) in gloobal data governance can drive more effective cross-border redress when data flows across jurisdictions (SDG 16.3) and consumers always know who is responsible and can help them with any issues (SDG 16.6). The input of civil society groups from Asia Pacific countries towards global data governance will improve the quality and coherence of policy (SDG 17.14) while respecting the diversity of approaches (SDG 17.15) and will also enable the trust required to generate more data that can then be disaggregated and used to inform policy (SDG 17.18).


    The session wil be a gathering where plenary discussions will be divided into several discussions with short presentations by speakers on the key topics followed by dscussions, some of these in smaller breakout groups. The emphasis is on participation and building connections while we share the policy contents.


    The session had two main takeaways:

    • The dialogue between consumer and digital rights civil society organisations in the Asia pacific region that we achieved in our session was much needed and needs to continue.
    • Data governance is a priority and civil society needs a bigger role in the development of frameworks such as the Data Free Flow with Trust.

    The two calls to action:

    • The meeting carried a poll on priorities for regional engagement and the Cross Border Privacy Rules came up on top. The groups will coordinate to intervene there and call on other organisations in the region and elsewhere to participate.
    • Consumer groups are exploring what interoperability of data governance and data flows with trust mean for consumers. They will  look specifically at how redress and data rights can work across borders and look forward to discussions with companies, regulators and civil society.

    The meeting will bring together stakeholders from Japan and diverse countries and regions, but also different sectors, including consumer organisations and internet governance advocacy groups. We will increase awareness and capacity of stakeholders, such as civil society, in Japan and the region to be able to understand and engage in discussions relating to data policy and governance. Japan is a major actor in this space with proposals on data flows that are taking shape at the G7, WEF and OECD, and the immediate Asia-Pacific and ASEAN regions are the main global hubs of innovation in data governance, including the Global Cross Border Privacy Rules. This innovations create risks and opportunities, and many citizens and consumers do not trust the use of thir data. However, the engagement in these developments of consumer groups and digital organisations from Japan and Asia-Pacific region is limited and we want to change that. Discussing how to create positive data governance mechanisms that enable the internet to function and protect citizens’ privacy is squarely aligned with the theme of the IGF to govern data and protect privacy. Rights respecting global data governance is a critical element to avoid internet fragmentation into separate data governance siloes with negative consequences for global communications, leading to a more divided humanity that cannot work together to solve our common challenges, such as climate change. More information is available here https://docs.google.com/document/d/1pXL6fNdZuc9kMt5ZsObErPVjuZJgQa4pVgE…

    We will ensure that all participants can engage fully by giving the online moderator the leading role in the session, coordinating with the onsite moderator, to ensure that remote participants have a voice. The roundtable format will be open to questions from participants, taking turns local and remote to ensure equal space is given. We will use a simple online text pad without registration to collect questions and comments and will use the tool Mentimeter (https://www.mentimeter.com) for some specific questions throughout the session. Consumers International regularly organises online and onsite events with participants around the world and have staff in several time zones who can provide extra support when we break out in smaller groups online. The main language of the session will be English but our session has a particular focus on engaging with Japanese civil society and other stakeholders> This may require some interpretation to and from Japanese. We will take into account the need for interpretation of some interventions and will use both English and Japanese in the tools online and in the room to support the process, e.g. by displaying keywords.