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IGF 2022 WS #286 Recipe for Building Digital Resilient Organisations

    Organizer 1: Kivuva Mwendwa,
    Organizer 2: Victor Kapiyo, KICTANet

    Speaker 1: Victor Kapiyo, Civil Society, African Group
    Speaker 2: Douglas Onyango, Technical Community, African Group
    Speaker 3: Rosemary Koech-Kimwatu, Technical Community, African Group


    Victor Kapiyo, Civil Society, African Group

    Online Moderator

    Kivuva Mwendwa, Technical Community, African Group


    Rosemary Koech-Kimwatu, Technical Community, African Group


    Round Table - Circle - 90 Min

    Policy Question(s)

    What support can social justice organisations get to be more resilient in their operations?
    How should regulations be formulated to protect social justice organisations from hostile actors?
    What regulatory requirements can make social justice organisations more resilient in times of change?

    Connection with previous Messages:



    Targets: Achieve higher levels of economic productivity through diversification, technological upgrading and innovation, including through a focus on high-value added and labour-intensive sectors
    To achieve higher levels of economic productivity, we need organisations to stay afloat and be ongoing concerned in times of difficulty which can result from sustained attacks by adversaries, natural calamities, incompetence or ignorance. We also need many social justice organisations around the world to check the accountability of those in power and provide a good balance of reporting mechanisms of what is happening in different regions of the world. Therefore, Social Justice organisations need to be digitally resilient, innovative and upgrade their technological and human capacity.


    The session will explore ways of enhancing the digital resilience of social justice organisations. Digital resilience is the means to adopt new systems and processes, ensuring continued competitiveness and business survival. The workshop will give a brief overview of the requirements for digital resilient organisations. Then participants will explore through discussions the resilience challenges they face and how they can be strengthened to be digitally resilient. Participants will also explore where they can get a rapid response in case they need to protect themselves from environmental challenges they face. The key questions participants will answer will be "What is needed to improve your organisation's digital resilience - the ability to withstand adversity, stress, and hardship?" Participants will get access to a tool that will enable them to gauge the level of digital resilience of their organisation. A poll will collect feedback and capture learnings and areas of improvement.

    Participants can join a digital resilience network where they can start changing their entities into digital resilient organizations. They will analyze their organizational level of resilience using a predetermined tool that ranks organizations from 0 to 100 to ascertain their resilience level. They will get resources in form of templates and training that will enable them to elevate their organizations to a resilient level.

    Expected Outcomes

    Improve on the digital resilience checklist tool that will be shared during the event.
    Create awareness of organisations providing digital resilience support around the world.
    Increase the level of understanding of how organisations can be more resilient in times of change and upheaval

    Hybrid Format: The session will be interactive, with a remote and on-site moderator. The remote moderator will ensure those participating remotely are also engaged in the discussion and their contribution is captured both in voice, and text through the remote participation tools. Remote participants will be encouraged to raise their hands, and use the Q&A and chat feature of the virtual meeting tool. All speakers irrespective of their location will be given adequate time to speak and express themselves.

    We will use social media to amplify the message of the workshop. We will ensure continued engagement through Twitter, Facebook, and Linkedin, and have a follow-up blog about the outcomes of the session. These tools will also be used to create a campaign about the session well in advance before the date of the event to achieve maximum participation and interest.

    The session agenda will have provisions for online and onsite participation.
    Provisional session agenda:
    Introduction of the session by the onsite moderator: presentation of the objectives of the session (10 min)
    Introduction of participants (in the room as well as online) (5 min)
    Contribution by panellists (4 panellists - 30 min)
    Contributions from participants both onsite and online (20 min)
    Concluding remarks by panellists (20 min)
    Conclusion of the session by the moderator/rapporteur (5 min)

    Online Participation

    Usage of IGF Official Tool.