IGF 2020 WS #93 Smart City and Digital Transformation


    Organizer 1: Xiaodong Lee, Fuxi Institution
    Organizer 2: Rui ZHONG, Internet Society of China
    Organizer 3: Fei Tong, United Nations Global Compact
    Organizer 4: Karl Frederick Rauscher, Global Information Infrastructure Commission
    Organizer 5: Jinhe Liu, Tsinghua University,Fuxi Institution

    Speaker 1: Yamin Xu, Civil Society, Asia-Pacific Group
    Speaker 2: Cédric Wachholz, Intergovernmental Organization, Intergovernmental Organization
    Speaker 3: Meng Liu, Intergovernmental Organization, Asia-Pacific Group
    Speaker 4: Baocun Guo, Government, Asia-Pacific Group
    Speaker 5: Huihui Chen, Private Sector, Asia-Pacific Group
    Speaker 6: Jovan Kurbalija, Civil Society, Western European and Others Group (WEOG)

    Xiaodong Lee, Civil Society, Asia-Pacific Group
    Online Moderator
    Jinhe Liu, Civil Society, Asia-Pacific Group
    Jinhe Liu, Civil Society, Asia-Pacific Group

    Panel - Auditorium - 90 Min

    Policy Question(s)

    Within the evolving Digital Economy and digital transformation, for building smart city, how can we get the most contribution from the different actors of the Internet Ecosystem, particularly strong players, in order to tackle Internet Affordability without closing opportunity for different business models and preserving Internet openness?

    The challenges in the building of smart city for the medium cities and the bigger problem is how the undeveloped region conduct the digital transformation, for the local governments, businesses and individuals. We intend to address the digital inclusion during the building of smart city and discuss the acceptable governance model to integrate all the stakeholders into the digital live and future.


    GOAL 9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
    GOAL 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities


    With the rapid evolution of IoT, AI, cloud computing, big data and other new technologies, human civilization is moving from industrial civilization to digital civilization. Digital development is an important transformation of human society. City is a huge and complex system created by human beings, composed of human beings and governed by human beings. The digital transformation of city with smart city construction as the core is an important part of the process of digital development transformation. It has become the focus of governments, international organizations and other stakeholders to build smart cities to deal with a series of sustainable development problems such as population, resources, environment and so on in urban development, as well as to develop corresponding governance innovation. This workshop will focus on the challenges faced in the building of smart city, and invite all stakeholders to put forward their own opinions on the governance innovation of smart city, to provide beneficial practice and intellectual contribution for the digital transformation. Moderator: Prof. Dr. Xiaodong Lee, Founder and CEO, Fuxi Institution Panelist: 1. Yamin Xu, Director of IoT, Robot and Smart City Platform of World Economic Forum (WEF) 2. Cedric Wachholz, Chief of Digital Innovation and Transformation, Communication and Information Sector of UNESCO 3. Meng Liu, Head, Asia Pacific, United Nations Global Compact (UNGC) 4. Baocun Guo, Member of the Committee of Chinese Party of Communist(CPC)of Heze Government, Secretary of the Party Working Committee of Heze high tech Industrial Development Zone 5. Jovan Kurbalija,the Executive Director of DiploFoundation and Head of the Geneva Internet Platform (GIP) 6. Huihui Chen, Director of Data Security (security expert) of Tencent Agenda: 1. Opening(5m): The moderator will open the session by welcoming participants, framing the topic, briefly introducing panelists and mentioning their commitment in the discussion. 2. Keynote speaking(20m): Each speaker will be given between 5-6 minutes to share their respective insights on their practices about smart city building in local context. (Presentation is allowed but not encouraged due to time limited). 3. Open discusstion(20m): After presentation, the moderator will engage the panelists in a lively conversation to get their perspectives on the questions. 4. Keynote speaking(20m): Each speaker will be given between 5-6 minutes to share their respective insights on their thought and practice in digital governance of smart city. (Presentation is allowed but not encouraged due to time limited). 5. Open discusstion(20m): After presentation, the moderator will engage the panelists in a lively conversation to get their perspectives on the questions. 6. Conclusion(5m): With 5 minutes left, the moderator will share the top takeaways from the discussion and bring the session to a close.

    Expected Outcomes

    We are drafting a digital development initiative, which calls all the stakeholders around the world to engage in the global development. We are planing to public the text in this IGF, and this workshop will be the discussion platform in time.

    We have practice sharing and the designed questions after each sharing. We are the question driven workshop. We offer the phenomenon, we arise the question and we invite the participants to answer. We will open the floor for the audience.

    Relevance to Internet Governance: Smart city is built in IoT, big data, cloud computing, AI and so on, which becoming the typical issues of Internet governance, with Internet as their basic technology. And the construction of smart city is one key part of digital transformation, which should be the boarder perspective of Internet governance but keep its core value of the common good of human kind inside.

    Relevance to Theme: The ambition of digital transformation should be the wellbeing for everyone and society, which needs the inclusion, namely Digital Inclusion. The digital transformation happens in the infrastructure first. The smart city could be one the infrastructure. So we are concerning the inclusion in the digital infrastructure building in the digital transformation development process.

    Online Participation


    Usage of IGF Official Tool.