Organizer 1: Jimson Olufuye, Kontemporary Konsulting Ltd - AfICTA
Organizer 2: Hossam Elgamal, AfICTA
Organizer 3: Viviane Vinagre, Grupo de Estudos de Direito da Internet (GEDI)
Organizer 4: Olusegun H. Olugbile, Continental Project Affairs Associates
Organizer 5: Mary Uduma, Nigeria Internet Governace Forum
Speaker 1: Melissa Sassi, Technical Community, Western European and Others Group (WEOG)
Speaker 2: Kossi AMESSINOU, Government, African Group
Speaker 3: Jane Coffin, Technical Community, Western European and Others Group (WEOG)
Speaker 4: Kulesza Joanna, Civil Society, Eastern European Group
Speaker 5: Mark Datysgeld, Private Sector, Latin American and Caribbean Group (GRULAC)
Other - 90 Min
Format description: The format of the session would be in the form of a town hall in an auditorium
Amid the COVID-19 Pandemic which has led to the shutdown of many countries, an important and on-going discussion is how to build a more robust and resilient global economy. a. How do we ensure that all stakeholder groups collaborate, prioritize and invest in the needed digital infrastructure and skills? b. What strategies and policies need to be articulated and implemented to proactively prepare DLDC in the case of a similar recurrence and how do we mitigate the adverse effects through a more resilient supply chain in a digital economy? How can the DLDC evolve digital cooperation initiatives that encompass the industry 4 technologies and related methods such as smart manufacturing, Internet of Things and environmental sustainability for the benefit of its citizens in the area of job creation and economic survivability?
The workshop will explore the digital potentials of Developing and Least Developed Countries (DLDC) in the post COVID-19 era. It will examine digital cooperation initiatives that encompass the industry 4 technologies and related methods such as smart manufacturing and environmental sustainability with meaningful connectivity. The workshop would also focus on the requisite digital skills and tools necessary for the sustainable development of the requisite labour and human capacities imperative for continuous benefits for the people. Appropriate Policy and Regulatory Frameworks that would guide the implementation of the above direction would be subject to robust dialogue and debate at the Workshop. While capturing progress already made across regions (e.g. Africa), and based on the relevance of the panelists to the discourse, the Workshop would seek concrete steps towards the advancement of its resolutions and the outcomes of the Workshop.
GOAL 4: Quality Education
GOAL 5: Gender Equality
GOAL 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth
GOAL 9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
GOAL 10: Reduced Inequalities
The workshop is being facilitated by Africa ICT Alliance, a private sector led alliance of ICT Associations, Multinational Corporations, Companies, Organisations and individuals in the ICT sector in Africa. Our workshop would be presented in a town hall format in order to foster the maximum participation, where our team of experts bring a wealth of knowledge, experience, and diversity to the discussion, with speakers from business, government, civil society & academia. The workshop will be opened by one of our moderators who will set the scene and then address each of the policy questions to the speakers and the attendees (on site and remotely). Each speaker will be given 3 minutes to present their intervention on each of the 2 policy questions, one policy question at a time, with the workshop participants being given 20 minutes (per policy question) to bring forward their contributions to the dialogue. The workshop will explore the digital potential of Developing and Least Developed Countries (DLDC) in the post COVID-19. It will examine digital cooperation initiatives that encompass the industry 4 technologies and related methods such as smart manufacturing and environmental sustainability with meaningful connectivity. The workshop would also focus on the requisite digital skills and tools necessary for the sustainable development of the requisite labour and human capacities imperative for continuous benefits for the people. Appropriate Policy and Regulatory Frameworks that would guide the implementation of the above direction would be subject to robust dialogue and debate at the Workshop. While capturing progress already made across regions (e.g. Africa), and based on the relevance of the panelists to the discourse would seek concrete steps towards the advancement of its resolutions and the outcomes of the Workshop. The Workshop would be delivered and reported in English but it will incorporate language diversity with speakers fluent in English, French, Portuguese, Spanish and Arabic to respond to specific questions and comments from the audience in that language. The workshop will be interactive with maximum audience participation. Remote participation would be supported and actively encouraged. Furthermore, AfICTA members institutions will promote and host remote hubs to the session from their respective countries.
a. Suggestions that will aid economies of DLDC to be more digitally reliant and prepared for contingencies. b. Enhancing policies that aim at creating more investment in digital infrastructure and affordability for eLearning, eHealth, smart manufacturing and businesses in enable better agility and sustainability during crisis times c. Contribution toward enhancing inclusivity in support of AfICTA/AU digital capacity development program d. Workshop report with recommendations that will be submitted to the IGF Secretariat. e. Policy based knowledge sharing, awareness and capacity development of the participants.
The workshop will be opened by one of our moderators who will set the scene and then address each of the policy questions to the speakers and the attendees (onsite and remotely). Each speaker will be given 3 minutes to present their intervention on each of the 2 policy questions, one policy question at a time, with the workshop participants being given 20 minutes (per policy question) to bring forward their contributions to the dialogue. The Workshop would be delivered and reported in English but it will incorporate language diversity with speakers fluent in English, French, Portuguese, Spanish and Arabic to respond to specific questions and comments from the audience in that language. The workshop will be interactive with maximum audience participation. Remote participation would be supported and actively encouraged. Furthermore, AfICTA members institutions will promote and host remote hubs for the session from their respective countries.
Relevance to Internet Governance: IGF is keen about digital inclusion, most importantly in developing countries as indicated in the Tunis Agenda Paragraph 72, objective 5. The workshop is planned towards engaging all relevant stakeholders to brainstorm and proffer lasting solutions that can enhance the realization of the 2030 broadband global target in DLDC and this dialogue is expected to further foster the legitimacy of the Internet Governance process.
Relevance to Theme: COVID-19 has exposed the gaps in the global health and connectivity structures with many stakeholders digitally excluded from eLearning, digital messaging, eCommerce, online payment, eBanking leading them to be less equipped, prepared and able to navigate and survive the weak COVID engendered economies. The Workshop therefore highlights the imperative need for the inclusion of the identified stakeholders as a means of preventing similar scenarios in the future.
Usage of IGF Official Tool. Additional Tools proposed: We intend to use the AfICTA Hub and associated remote hosts to boost participation. We also plan to print electronic fliers and invites to increase participation in the Workshop.
1. Access should be provided for all people to benefit from all sectors
2. Lack of technology skills & access is a big challenge. Creating an International Day of Coding is recommended and IBM is ready to partner to provide content, speakers and platforms
3. Flexible regulatory framework is essential for connectivity. Innovative use of TV White Space spectrum.
4. COVID holds us accountable for what we could not do. Innovation would get us to do things better including financial inclusion, life-long education.
5. SME should be financed and USPF fund locked up should b released to address social dynamics
6. Geographic Information Systems optimized to serve the people through a web-based application promote efficiency and sustained revenue in millions of dollars and it should be tapped.
7. North-South and South-South Peer review and cooperation should be encouraged
8. Leverage the African Union Digital Transformation and the 2063 Agenda.
9. Business Bureau should provide clarity on how to do business and publicize same.
10. There should be a central website for all to access.
11. In view of the importance of cybersecurity, all concerned are encouraged to join the global collation on Encryption.
12. There is an urgent need to prepare for Transformational programmed in view of Industry 4.0.
13. Implementation of eGovernment Plans should be of top priority to promote transparency and accountability in governance.
14. Efforts should be made for stakeholders to come together at every opportunity possible for greater societal good.