Virtual School of Internet Governance (VSIG)
Alternatively the Virtual School of Internet Governance (VSIG) http://www.virtualsig.org created in late Spring 2020 was created with the approach not to replace any face to face meeting but to augment or suppliment the existing schools with a wide spectrum of courseware structured using a Massive Open Online Courseware tool called Moodle. The VSIG launched its first cohort of 100 students out of 400 in total on Sept 6 and has subsequent cohorts in November, Jan and March with 100 students per intake. The programme adhers the principles of a MOOC with a clear educational roadmap, interactivity of the partipants, testing and a certificate of completion. The VSIG program includes Live Chats with a special guest speaker paired with the main modules in the programme. These sessions are recorded and made available to attendees who couldn’t make it due to time zone issues.
The online course stresses the interaction of the participants and they are encouraged to complete their introduction and suggest topics for discussion in each of the modules.
A detailed slideshow on the VSIG deliverables