IGF 2020 - SSIG - Reunión de alumnos - Alumni gathering
Sesión en ESPAÑOL: Jueves 12 de noviembre - 20 hs UTC
Reúnete con nosotros durante el IGF 2020!!! Cuéntanos tus historias durante esta reunión virtual de alumnos de SSIG!
Regístrate y podrás compartir tus experiencias en esta sesión especial!! Haremos una lista de participantes por orden de llegada así que no te demores ya que tenemos un tiempo limitado de una hora y media. Completa este formulario y te esperamos el próximo jueves.
Equipo de SSIG
Completa este formulario parara participar!
ENGLISH session: Friday 13 November - 20 hs UTC
Join us during IGF 2020!!! Tell us your stories during this virtual alumni meeting!
Register in this formn and share your experiences in this special virtual interactive session!! We will make a list of those who want to participate in order of registration so do not hesitate and fill the form! We have a limited time of one hour and a half!
See you virtually next Friday!!
Equipo SSIG
Please fill this form to participate!
First virtual edition of the South School on Internet Governance
SSIG is pleased to share with the IGF community the experience of the first virtual edition of the 12th South School on Internet Governance SSIG 2020 organized together with the 4th edition of the Argentine School of Internet Governance ARGENSIG 2020.
For the first time in its twelve years of existence, the SSIG has been organized in a completely virtual different way, with the challenge of maintaining the quality and quantity of content and interaction among participating fellows, allowing them to meet Internet leaders through their participation in the program of activities.
In this virtual edition, the school broadened its horizons by convening more than one hundred experts from around the world who were connected in a virtual way to an audio and video studio to interact with more than 500 scholars from five continents.
This joint virtual edition gathered 510 fellows from 34 countries on five continents, 100 experts from all over the world who participated in 42 sessions during five full days of activity.
The virtual edition SSIG 2020 and ARGENSIG 2020 have been the largest of all its consecutive editions and the ones that received the largest number of experts and fellowship holders with the greatest impact on social networks.
This virtual edition demonstrated the adaptability, strength and resilience of our great community of fellows and experts.
A different virtual event
One of the objectives of this virtual edition of SSIG 2020 and ARGENSIG 2020 was to make the visual experience attractive and entertaining.
To achieve this, the entire event was broadcast live from a video studio specially conditioned according to current sanitary regulations. High definition cameras, various video editing and projection equipment were used in the study. The zoom rooms of the keynotes and panelists were mixed with the video of the room and the giant screen. The use of high definition cameras and videos managed to create a visual experience like television, differentiating itself from most of the virtual events.
The fellows participated through an additional special virtual platform, with simultaneous translation in Spanish and English, performed by interpreters. Interpretation in both languages was available throughout the five days of the event.
In addition, and to allow the participation of the wider community, the entire event was broadcasted live in the SSIG LAC YouTube channel, with video and audio in both languages every day. The content is available on this channel so that it can be viewed at any time.
The full HD video and dual-language audio material from the five days of training will be edited and uploaded to the SSIG YouTube channel, separating each Keynote and session for easy viewing.
Book "Internet Governance and Regulations in Latin America"
In 2018 the book "Internet Governance and Regulations in Latin America" was published in honor of the tenth anniversary of the South School on Internet Governance. The book is available in Spanish, English and Portuguese free for the community visiting www.gobernanzainternet.org
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