IGF 2019 Third Open Consultations and MAG Meeting Agenda

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Draft Agenda 

3rd IGF Open Consultations and MAG Meeting

5 – 7 June 2019

Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy
(Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Energie – Konferenzzentrum (Eichensaal))

The purpose of the third round of the Internet Governance Forum (IGF) open consultations and the Multistakeholder Advisory Group (MAG) meeting is to advance preparations for the IGF 2019 annual meeting and to take stock of the ongoing IGF community intersessional activities and other relevant internet governance related fora.


Day 1: 5 June 2019 - Open Consultations


Registration and Welcome Coffee


Donors Meeting in Main Meeting Room


1. Adoption of the Agenda and Welcome from MAG Chair

2. Welcome from Honorary Host Country Chair and Briefing on State of Preparations for Annual Meeting

3. Welcome from the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UNDESA)


4. Briefing on the State of Preparations from the IGF Secretariat

5. Workshop Review and Evaluation Process;

  1. Overview of the process
  2. Report from the MAG Digital Inclusion evaluation group
  3. Report from the MAG Safety, Security Stability & Resilience evaluation group
  4. Report from the MAG Data Governance evaluation group



14.00 – 14.15  

6. Welcome speech by [TBA]

14.15 – 15.45

7. Updates from IGF Intersessional Activities and  discussion with Community on how to Strengthen  

  1. Updates from IGF Dynamic Coalitions (DCs)

Community engagement/comment time 

8. Brief Update on MAG Working Groups

  1. Working Groups on IGF Improvements (WG-IMP); Outreach and Engagement (WG-OE); Fundraising (WG-FUN)

9. Multi-year Strategic Work Programme (WG-MWP) - Review and Discussion

15.45 – 16.00

Coffee break


10. Updates from National and Regional Initiatives (NRIs)

Community engagement/comment time 

11. Briefings from Other Related/Relevant Initiatives or Organizations


Day 2: 6 June 2019 - MAG Meeting (open to observers)


Start of Registration

Welcome Coffee (70 pax)

08.00 – 10.00

(Informal meeting of government representatives in Room K3 by invitation of the host country)


10.00 – 10.30

1. Opening Statements – MAG Chair,  Honorary Host Country Chair, UNDESA

  1. Introduction from the Chair and adoption of the agenda
  2. Introduction from UNDESA
  3. Introduction from Host Country Chair

2. Briefing on State of Preparations for Annual Meeting by Host Country, including plans for:

  1. High Level Leaders Meeting
  2. Parlimentary Meeting
  3. Opening Sessions

10.30 – 13.00

3. Overview of Workshop Proposal Evaluations & Thematic Track Formation

  1. Presentation of recommended thematic tracks by Thematic Working Groups for review against the MAG objective of a more focused, cohesive programme
  2. Top and tail thematic session planning

4. Update and review of IGF Best Practice Forums (BPFs) and discussion with community on how to strengthen them) –

  1. Internet of Things (IoT), Big Data and Artificial Intelligence (AI);
  2. Cybersecurity;
  3. Gender & Access;
  4. Local Content

13.00 – 15.00


15.00 – 16.30

5. Main Session planning - introductory discussion

16.30 – 17.30

6. Review of other sessions

  1. Day zero
  2. Open Forums
  3. Dynamic Coalitions
  4. NRI sessions
  5. Newcomer and Lightning sessions

17.30 – 18.00

7. Follow-up as Needed Based on Status Updates for

  1. BPFs
  2. NRIs
  3. DCs
  4. MAG Working Groups


Day 3: 7 June 2019 - MAG Meeting (open to observers)



Start of Registration

Welcome Coffee

10.00 – 13.00

8. Opening Statements – MAG Chair and Honorary Host Country Chair

9. Discussion on Main Sessions

  1. Main sessions: Content, including desired theme, format, length, etc.
  2. Main sessions: Desired outcomes/outputs in relation to meeting themes/
  3. Selection and scheduling of Main sessions
  4. Next steps in planning; appointment of MAG lead facilitators for Main sessions



15.00 – 17.45

[Discusion about main sessions may continue from morning ]

10.  Strategic Priorities Including:  Multiyear Work Programme(s) and IGF Outputs and reporting Mechanisms including outreach and communications.

17.45 - 18.00

11. AOB