IGF 2018 - Day 2 - Salle X - DC Schools on Internet Governance: Schools on Internet Governance and their curricula

The following are the outputs of the real-time captioning taken during the Thirteenth Annual Meeting of the Internet Governance Forum (IGF) in Paris, France, from 12 to 14 November 2018. Although it is largely accurate, in some cases it may be incomplete or inaccurate due to inaudible passages or transcription errors. It is posted as an aid to understanding the proceedings at the event, but should not be treated as an authoritative record. 



>> MODERATOR: Good morning, everyone. It's already 3 minutes after 9:00. I think we should start. The room is not packed. But there are some people, I think it is because the room is quite big. We could have had the smaller one. If you don't mind, my name is Sandra Hoferichteri. I

will be chairing the meeting. On the left take notes of the meeting to write a report. But before we start, I would like to invite those people in the room for a quick tour of the table, just say your name, your country, and if to which school you are connected to or what is your interest in, in this meeting. If you don't mind, can we start with the gentleman over there.

>> Thank you very much, I am coming from Brazil. I foundation for science and technology in Portugal and part of the recently launch in Brazil. And starting research in governance. Pretty much the reason I am here with you today. Thank you.

>> Good morning. I am from Delhi, from India, and we are spearheading and three schools. The last one in Delhi. We and we are working towards the open internet and those kinds of things.

>> Good morning, I am the Executive Secretary of the Brazilian Internet Steering Committee. We have a full week and then two smaller only for, for ‑‑ judges and for lawyers, and now a new model is coming. Only for prosecutors. So, we are trying to adapt our school for different clients.

>> Good morning, everybody. I am one of the founders of the concepts of the summer schools and the background story I was member of the United Nations working group on Internet Governance in 2004 and 2005. We had four or five academic members in the group and approached by a number of governmental agencies and where we can study Internet Governance, the answer was nowhere. The university life is organized around disciplines and faculties. And Internet Governance is a little bit informatics. A multidisciplinary phenomenon. The conclusion was we have to develop our own curriculum. We did this in workshop in 2006 in Germany and started the pilot project in a small village in 2007. I am very happy to see that this village model was copied around the world we and have reached now the next level, of you know, coordination and communication among the various schools by moving forward or establishment of the die Dynamic Coalition ‑‑ on ‑‑ governance schools.

>> I am the coordinator of the initiative. We also have the school on Internet Governance, and we had two additions. And we also are changing the program for the first one. It was for a week in the summer. And it was fully packed. Then this year we had a program for five months. But it didn't work as well. So, it was too long. And we want to change it again for a smaller period, shorter period. We ‑‑ the school of Internet Governance was dedicated for the students, yet, but we also think to have a specialized program for journalists and the law enforcement agencies. So, we will change the program targeted for different interests. Thank you.

>> I am the coordinator of the European School on Internet Governance.


>> AVRI DORIA: I have been involved with the schools, various ones, taught in four or five of the different ones, involved in the European one and the African one. And I have been sort of acting as the Secretariat of trying to put this group together over the last year.

>> Yeah, area Pacific school of Internet Governance.

>> Hi, I am a lawyer I am from Brazil and I am here as a fellow of program youth and I participate this year or last edition of the school in my country. I am interested to hear about more.

>> Hi, my name is Jonas from Brazil from the youth program. I am asked in take the Internet Governance school, so I ham here for that.

>> My name is Gustavo, I am representing my chapter from Brazil, and alumni from two governance schools, Brazil's Steering Committee, from their school and the South School of Internet Governance. I would like to increase my knowledge of schools and huh to teach Internet Governance.

>> Thank you very much. I am from Uganda. And previously I was in the class of Kenya School of Internet Governance. And I am also very happy to share that term. Also organizing the Uganda school of Internet Governance in 2019. Looking forward to collaborate and seeking your support. So, you can have a list of first school. Yeah, also happy to share that. It will be happening right in the week before the Africa Internet Summit. In case anyone is interested in being among the faculty. I hope you come and will be able to share more. Thank you.

>> Hello, I am from Canada. Last few years, last three years I have been part of the team, we did three schools of Internet Governance, doing Calcutta, and working as a team member, three or four times with the Southern School of Internet Governance on the cybersecurity conference as well. Last year we did our first north American school of Internet Governance and it was just three days prior to the ICANN meeting in Puerto Rico. In the midst of organizing our next one which will be again prior to the ICANN meeting this time in Montreal, if you are coming to the ICANN meeting, make sure you let me know. So thirdly, I have been, I created an online course for IEEE on Internet Governance, capital into ising over roughly 300 videos I shot over the last few years on leaders and the, the eco system. Thank you.

>> SANDRA HOFERICHTER: A new lady arrived, next to the gentleman from Brazil. Would you introduce yourself.

>> I am from the program youth from the country of Brazil. I think that's it. The second row. You shouldn't be hidden. The lady in, with the ‑‑ okay. Please start.

>> Representing the French organization called EuroLink from Civil Society. Just interested in knowing what is happening here. Thank you.

>> SANDRA HOFERICHTER: The next, please?

>> I am a French student in ethics. I started to think about universal declaration about human rights in this context.

>> SANDRA HOFERICHTER: Can we go this direction. Finish the round. Then we should stop this first part.

>> Hello, my name is Ann Fernandez, I attended last summer, which was a really good experience. I am here to learn more about how it got started and about other initiatives like this one.

>> Hello, I am from the European summer school in Micen. Here.

>> hello, I am working at the Ministry of Education and strategic policy adviser.

>> Hello, I am German. And studying in France at the university of Versailles. I am here to take notes for the reports.

>> SANDRA HOFERICHTER: Then we have the last gentleman at the end of the row. Please introduce yourself. Okay. Then let's finish this here. It gives a good overview who is in the room. I think we have a good reach in our distribution. The core task of today's meeting is to introduce you to a website that has been developed over the last year taking into account all of the proposals and all of the discussions that have been taking place over the last year during the IGFs and which led to the idea to form a dynamic coalition on schools and Internet Governance. There was a group that believed the schools have a lot to share as more and more schools are emerging over the globe, or around the world. They are quite some differences in curriculum and the way they focus on special target groups. Also, in the way they are independent, stand‑alone schools, or, or if sometimes they are connected to an ICANN meeting or IGF. There are various forms. We thought a dynamic coalition might be a good method or good platform to create a network of all of these schools so they can first exchange best practice that this network might also help new schools to emerge for instance that we offer some guidance how to find global faculty, that we also offer fellows to, to join that network. Which could for some reason, for some people even serve as a ‑‑ an opportunity to announce or, or to submit their, which school they have attended and which field they would like to be active on that might help future employers to search in that network and find people with key competencies and the idea was that we help schools that have different lengths, two days, one day, three days. I think we have all variety of durations. That we help those schools to say, okay if you want to teach Internet Governance, what do you have to include in your curriculum? If you have only one day, concentrate on X, Y, Z, two days, expand a little bit. If you have a full week, and here you have some modules you could choose from. And first of all, I would quickly like to walk you through the website, that we have set up. A very basic website. We did not put a lot of finances and resources in because there are no financial resources at the moment. So, what we did, we took a school, took a website from the dynamic coalition on internet of things and adapted this to the dynamic coalition of schools and Internet Governance and as we move forward, and the group is invited of course to help developing that website and this is what, what I would like to achieve today. That we look at it first. Take it as a draft. And take it from there. And develop it jointly. So, we registered a URL that was not, we didn't have much choice, I must say. SIG which is our acronym was already taken and all of the relevant top‑level domains so we thought what might make sense and we a small group of representatives from African, Brazilian, European, who else was, the faculty? I think that was it we decided on igschools.net. That should actually show that we would like to create a network. And at the moment, you cannot decide on this URL that will be done after this meeting. If you put/sig you can browse to the website. I repeat, www.igschools.net/. On the overview page, we have a picture of the founding meeting of last year's and the list of founding members. You will see we have representation from all stakeholder groups. A lot of them are from civil society and academia. We had only two in the room from the business sector. But, you can be assured that they are much more supporters from the business sector that actually are supporting the schools and Internet Governance and this dynamic coalition and then from the technical community we have a variation, you will see, ICANN is in the group, and also from the government, quite good representation. USA, Egypt, Switzerland. Those were the people that were in that room and that signed up at that time. But this should not prevent anyone from, from joining this network. But for the dynamic coalition founding it was important to show this stakeholder diversity and balance.

>> AVRI DORIA: As part of being a dynamic coalition we can and should add more members to this list. This may be the founding list, it would be greed to see the list grow.

>> SANDRA HOFERICHTER: Absolutely agreed to that. So, this was the landing page. When you click on the second top, DC‑SIGs meeting at IGF, see that we uploaded the meeting documents from the meeting, founding meeting we had last year in Geneva. Our plan is that we meet at least once physically during the IGF so you will have another meeting each year. But, of course, we could also at documents.emerge over the year we might have virtual meetings or we might some groups may use some, subworking groups may use reason for us to meet and this can also go in here. For you it might be interesting that to follow up on last year's meeting. And you will also find here in this respect, a session report, from the Geneva internet platform that made an independent report of our meeting as well as the transcript and so on and so forth. Then on the next step, schools on Internet Governance. We thought that we would like to show the global variety or global spread of the schools and included such a map. At the moment there is, because it is a map, one school is marked, the European summer school. But the idea is that we have all of the different schools spread on that map. And then when you click on such a school, you will come to a wiki page, and this wiki page should be our collaborative working platform where you will find some basic information about the school. The idea behind it is that if a fellow is searching for a school on Internet Governance, he gets the full variety of schools that existing and can actually have a very detailed look on what this school offers, how long it is, and so on, so forth. There is a long questionnaire, Avri will walk us through the questionnaire in a minute. I will just finish walking you through the website. If you want to register your school on our website, then I said already you can do that via an entry form. This is the one here, and that leads at the moment, a PDF, once we agreed on questions we can offer as a formula or online form to type in. Because the it is detailed and we wanted to discuss with you if these are the questions we would like to ask the schools who would like to register, we will then, once we have agreed just put that online as a form. Then, we also are planning to do a table, a list, as an overview in addition to the, to the map with the links. Where we have a list of schools that are existing. As I said already, we would like to give fellows a chance to upload, I would call it upload their curriculum. Please don't be disturbed that these are only testimonials from fellows from the European SIG. This is just a dummy page. We should of course, include testimonial from across the region, from across the globe. But this is how we would propose to have that fellows page that we have some sort of testimonials, maybe some videos, also, but then there is also a sample form for an entry form. Where we would also like to offer space on the Wiki for the fellows where they can promote themselves. As I said already I think that would be a good opportunity for employers to search in our network of fellows of schools on Internet Governance. And since it is a wiki, each fellow can update or keep that up to date when the university, or, when everything changes and the curricula, so everyone is Wiki page under this network and can reach out to, or even point instead of a LinkedIn profile, point to our network I was an attendee in the school. Here you can find more about my research project. Fellows can link to their master's thesis and so on, so forth. I think this Wiki offers quite a lot of opportunities to bring such a network really to life. And then the next step is the faculties. We would offer the same that we offer for the fellows also to the faculties. Here again at the moment these are faculty members from the European school, of course, this should be extended to faculty members from around the globe. And this should also help schools to identify faculties so that not only one crowd of people is traveling around the world, but that you can identify experts that are existing in your region and that you might invite to your school and they will also get a Wiki page where they can update their information and where you can, can search. Avri, you have a question.

>> AVRI DORIA: I have a question, want an example of stopping you and asking a question. You have faculty that will teach in several, I want to check, will this be able to take one faculty member and have them show how they teach in several? Or is it a faculty per school in terms of its current organization?

>> SANDRA HOFERICHTER: This is something we could discuss. My idea was, or our idea was that it is just a pool for faculties across the globe. And if the Asia Pacific school for instance decides we want to invite U.S. government to teach at our school they should be able to find someone like Fiona to join the school and update them.

>> AVRI DORIA: People would list their various schools and have it cross, that's great. Thanks.

>> SANDRA HOFERICHTER: Exactly, that's the idea. The last step is the curriculum. Here nothing has been done. I think that is our task for the future to develop jointly a modular curriculum of ‑‑ where schools that are emerging or schools that are existing can ‑‑ can choose from ‑‑ so to say, okay, I want to, I have only two days I want to teach the core basics about Internet Governance, what are the topics? Maybe if you think that farther we could maybe even collaborate with the I can learn platform where some presentations are listed so that even the presentation and the knowledge that is taught in these schools is more or less harmonized. A presentation will always be the same. It makes sense to have them start at some point and that everyone can visit them. Last step is to subscribe and I will stop here. I will first invite you for a round of question. And then we will hand over to Avri to walk us through the big form of, of the schools, the entry form of the schools. But here, I talked enough and I ask for your questions.

>> Can I take the floor?

>> SANDRA HOFERICHTER: Yes, of course.

>> This is a brilliant idea for the website. I am happy to at least put in some bit of time. So I think we can discuss that. And also, another thing is that, the fact that there is rapidly changing knowledge regarding to Internet Governance. The collaboration with ICANN is really great. Can specific time lines for this respective knowledge basis be created, especially in respect to the curriculum. The good thing curriculum is shared. If the curriculum is shared you can put in some input. I think that would be great. Thank you.

>> SANDRA HOFERICHTER: Maybe introduce yourself. We did this at the beginning. You weren't in the room at the time.

>> I'm with the Internet Governance project, and with DC schools on Internet Governance. The question is about the faculty members you have faculty members do you divide them by their stakeholder group as well as their expertise. If you do that, that would be really helpful. If someone wants to invite someone based on their expertise. They need to. And another thing I thought might be useful. So how are you going to, are you going to gather all of the curriculums, curriculums of all of the schools and then just put them there? Or are you going to just ask someone to come up with like an overarching framework? And have that populated?

>> SANDRA HOFERICHTER: On the curriculum, linked to each school when they filled out the entry form. You will find their individual curriculum. We think more of a modular curriculum, framework, schools can take, once they either establish or if they want to build a curriculum, which should be a recommendation, if you want to teach Internet Governance. These are the modules you should include. We are thinking more of a framework. Since this page is empty. This is up to discussion. And everyone who would like to join that, sub working group, and to develop such a framework curricula is really welcome. And on your first question about faculty, if it is according to stakeholder group, it is Wiki we can tag government, it set radio, could organize the Wiki in a way you can search according to stakeholder group, according to region and then once you have a list of faculty members, you can go on their page and see what specific expertise they have. That's why we choose the Wiki as the form for collaboration and searching.

>> AVRI DORIA: If I can ask to your answer. Sorry, I think it can be if we wanted to. Tag, it is really going to be up to the group of people participating in schools, if we do taxonomy of expertise, that could be tagging too. The only thing I would look to add on modules, it is not necessarily modules that should be, but that could be.


>> This is Diego. As the professor pointed out in the beginning, we have at this point, two different sorts of courses in the Brazilian Internet Governance School, one longer version of the course, a longer Internet Governance course, and a shorter version of the course which is aimed at public authorities and, and the judiciary branch for the application of the Brazilian market. And it is a very practical question related to the website. Would there be branches in the Internet Governance school or would we have to put the two different courses ‑‑ I don't know. I am just thinking of the structure of the website. If you are thinking of accommodating different versions of the same Internet Governance School. Thank you very much.

>> SANDRA HOFERICHTER: That is a very detailed question. I would not like to answer this entirely just to share some ideas that we had in our brainstorming meeting this year. That we could think that we ‑‑ give the color code to the different schools. There are some schools that are more conference type style. Some schools that are more one‑day capacity building, and other schools that go for weeks. We might introduce a color code and saying, okay if you look for a school that ‑‑ that offers X, Y, Z, you might choose the green ones. And if you, but this was just an idea. I'm not saying that this is the way we are going to do this. But this might be one way to address your ‑‑ matter. On the other hand, we can just also mark two dots on the global map and say okay, in Brazil there are two schools. Maybe they shouldn't be too close to each other because you won't see them if the map is not on Zoom. We can also think about the link that goes to your school if it makes clear that you have two versions of the school that might also explain it. I think these, here as we move forward we will find solutions. We will have to discuss those solutions. I don't have complete answer or solution for this. Other questions? Okay.

>> Thank you very much. I come from India. I am associated with the India School of Internet Governance, and a group of national SIGs. Sorry for coming late. I had a meeting. I was delayed. I missed the early part. Maybe this is repetition, but this ‑‑ the format, I think a great idea to collect information, baseline information on all the SIGs. What is the kind of dissemination of this information? Who is going to own this information? And how will people get to use it? Broad questions. If you already explained this, we can maybe ignore the question also. I will talk to my colleagues and find out. Thank you.

>> SANDRA HOFERICHTER: I kind of touched on this issue, but I think it is good that you asked that question again. Who owns that information? It is a network. So, it is a network of schools. I think there is ownership. Of course, you have to register the website under a domain. The domain has to be hosted by someone. Last year, during the founding meeting the group agreed that we, the European summer school is the convener for this draft, you also had a preliminary mailing list that will be closed soon. And we will transfer all of the ‑‑ the names that subscribe to that mailing list off to the new igschools.net, URL, if that is ownership, maybe then it is the owner, but we do not intend to have the ownership on the content that is on that website. That should really be a collaborative effort as for any other dynamic coalition and we did the research, how other dynamic coalitions are handling this issue with who is in the website mentioned as the owner. Obviously in Germany, if you are registering a website that is on a German server or, registered in German, they are quite strict. You must have a name, a telephone number, an e‑mail on the website so you can trace who is the owner. On the global level this is not followed so in detail. So, there are those that don't have the information. We are based in Germany we must have the information. Otherwise we get in conflict with the law. Does this answer your question? Was there another part of your question, Satish?

>> Did you have any plans on how to disseminate this information? Who is going to consume this information? Awe.

>> SANDRA HOFERICHTER: First and foremost, for us a collaboration network. We can search, see how other schools are doing. So, who could benefit from the first schools that would like to set up their own school in their own region, they can use that as a resource. To build a curriculum, to find faculty, to get in touch with the network. Secondly, for fellows who are searching or potential fellows searching for a school. They may look what is up in my region. Where is the next school happening? We can have a new section where we say, okay, the next school on Internet Governance is taking place in region, X, Y, Z. Until, this could be an opportunity. And also, for employers that are searching in our network for ‑‑ for ‑‑ employees basically. Or not only to employ them but sometimes to look, when people are looking in a project, we need a person that has these competencies, where can we find that person? So? The next, Farzani, Adam, and Daniel.

>> I don't know if you touched upon this, do you have any input about funding, not to create competition among the schools, but one of the ‑‑ well one of the issues that we face is to raise funding for each school. And it is ‑‑ it would be good if we could share that experience now. I don't know how realistic that is, because sometimes people don't want to say what the source of their funding is so that you don't go and ask the same source. But I think that would be one thing if we can add that somehow. Like tips about how to get ‑‑ funding for the school. Or like various, for example, you're ‑‑ you're a SIG, I think you get a scholarship for some of the students. Some of the students pay themselves. So, it would be good to know how the schools are funding so that not necessarily source of funding but how they fund the school. And then, yeah, that's what I wanted to say ‑‑ oh, yeah, so the other thing was that you mentioned about the fellows. And they could be recruited to, like for jobs, or ‑‑ you know, positions, and that's, a very good point. Because you know for example, for ‑‑ internships at various places I think we can use the website for giving like the fellows a platform to present their expertise.

>> SANDRA HOFERICHTER: Very good question regarding the funding. When we walk through the form, there will be a question how each school is funded. So, if you will search for a school and then you can see in detail how it is funded. I am not sure how realistic it is to give some general information about the funds. But I did talk to some sponsors over the last years, and they actually very much supported ‑‑ such a network because they also say, you know, there are people come offing from all over the world, saying I am doing a school on Internet Governance can we have some funds? For them it is really difficult to, I wouldn't say evaluate, but at least to understand what kind of ‑‑ how they are going, how they are merging. And it would then give a little more confidence when they're part of this network so there is some basic information already available for sponsor and then it would be also easier for them to agree sponsoring a school. The competition, I won't comment on that, we are all heading to the same companies asking for funds. A tricky issue. We managed so far. I am confident we will manage in the future as well. Adam. And then, I think are there any other questions, I would then ‑‑ use the last 15 minutes that Avri. A little one. Adam. The gentleman over there. Andrea, then we finish the queue and do the last 15 minutes of the form.

>> Adam from ICANN. We would be happy to offer the platform as a way of particularly I think delivering basic courses, things that are historical background information and would be consistent across all of the schools. There is information there, already, and the information is being updated so the courses, get, well, basically getting better quality. I know that a lot of people use them as prerequisite preparation materials. There are ways to monitor if of a student has taken the course and completed the course. So, you can see that they have actually done the preparation before coming to a school. So, advice on what should be there, on how to improve what is there, is very welcome from people who are running schools and faculty, who are expert in this. And generally, would be welcome to taking more of your input and putting it on ICANN learn. Coming up to normal industry standard. Learning platform. There are APIs and integrate different bits of material in some. And that is one thing. Going on to Farzani's question, for the organizers of schools how do you feel about intellectual property you have in the curriculum in particular that you developed. It is something that has value. And I noticed that a lot of schools do not share beyond the program. So, you do not see the presentation materials from a lot of schools. And I think that's entirely reasonable. It is intellectual property that belongs in many cases to the specific lecturer who may, may not be professional in what they do particularly the professionals, academics may want to retain that intellectual property. In some ways that relates to the funding model of the different schools. As an organization that occasionally gets involved with funding, but we don't have a particular funding permanent funding process for schools, then, understanding the business model. Some look for‑profit. Some are just definitely not for profit. People coming together. How they’re organized would be a useful piece of information just generally to people. I think you are going to for funding. But, basically at the moment, the ICANN learn platform is available. And advice on how we can all use it better. Thank you.

>> Daniel. My question goes into the respective timelines. What is the respective timeline for creating the perspective coalitions? One of the biggest challenges the schools face, the up and coming schools is that there is an adequate information regarding to how this school can be organized. You can consult with one, two, three. Probably, is there like a ‑‑ like currently a benchmark, or standard that we are looking at, for the future implementation of other schools? Thank you.

>> SANDRA HOFERICHTER: Regarding timelines, there are no timelines at the moment. We start as a loose network. And, I mean, we can move as fast as this group is willing to move. So, there is nothing I can, I can enforce and disregard. And we should not enforce anything. And, your second point was regarding the ‑‑ ‑‑

>> Just a quick one. Since we already started this. I believe that there is probably a stage at which you want to achieve. Do you have like that stage broke down despite the fact that there are no timelines?


>> AVRI DORIA: In other words, I am not sure I understand your question. But what we have got is basically a start. I think our notion is to as quickly as possible, and certainly within the next year, get as much of this organized, populated, discussed, things added. This is really just a first attempt that has grown from the, from the conversations that went on before. We won't get to much of the school description thing. But, but we will see that they were trying to sort of collect information. And it may just use this as a place to kick off where I was going. Because I think I may touch on some of the other issues in that, we only have ten minutes left.


>> AVRI DORIA: If we bring up the school's form. I will not go through it in detail. What you also find in the materials for this, for this DC meeting and ‑‑ such, was a Google Drive document, information was taken from this and additional was perhaps added. What I did to give people a clue of where this started is I wandered around the internet to all of the schools I could find on the internet. Looked at the way they were organized. Looked at what they showed in terms of, of curricula. Looked at that. And started to try and build a, a taxonomy. Because one of the problems that I have certainly had when talking about schools on Internet Governance is how to describe them. And I was, as was said, you know, they are all so different. When you start talking about them, whether it is the days, the funding model, how it is organized, is it for a specialized group? You know all of those questions are really quite good. And they start to form a taxonomy. So, at the moment that drive document is, is open for everybody to comment on, add material to, you know, correct material on. I would really like all the people interested in this, to look at the taxonomy and add what is missing and add what is there. So, part of that information will be stuff that would help somebody organize a new school. If you were looking at a new school. You would say, ah‑ha, there are schools that thinned this way. How do I want to fund? There are schools that have this kind of curriculum? What kind of curriculum do we need? There are schools, et cetera. so that kind of thing. Now maybe later, as a group, and I say, as Sandra was explaining, as a network we will sort of figure out, as time goes on, what the folks in the next work want. The fact that it has been put on a wiki. The fact it is fairly versatile. With a fairly, very competent Wiki master able to do magic when we need it. I am thinking that we could start to develop a rich resource for people that are either starting a new school, or are varying their school, they decide they want to add new courses they want to add new ways of doing things. It should be available to anyone. I mean, it is a Wiki on the internet. It really should be available to anyone, that wants to start a school, either has an idea, or has no idea. So, anyhow, in going through this. And you will just see in this entry form, trying, things like ‑‑ is the school global, regional, or national initiative? That was one of the things we found. There is a difference in schools. Whether they're trying to teach to just a local group a national group or an international group. Are you targeting one stakeholder? As I was looking through the various schools, I noticed that some were, were meant as, as you were talking about, legal. You know, some were meant more for engineer. Some were meant for ‑‑ some were meant just for, you know, wanting a full multi‑stakeholder experience. You know? The region, okay. Things like funding. Frequency, do you do these yearly? Monthly? Is this an ongoing program that you have? Duration, we heard today people talking about it is an afternoon, a day, a three‑day, a week, it is a an ongoing program. So, so, if you look at the document, taxonomy that I have been preparing and hoping you will add to, you will find not only is the question asked, there is a variety of possible answers that I have sort of discovered while going through all of your curricula that I could find. Basically, I spent a while just, you know, finding all of your schools. And trying to figure out what was on the web what the possibilities were. So, you know besides Internet Governance, are there other subtopics? Some schools have a specialty, you know, whether a legal specialty, engineering specialty, what have you. Are you associated with other events or processes? Some like the African school tries to be attached to African IGF tries to have training as many fellows from the school as possible then continue the following week at the African IGF. So they pick. Some schools are independent in the middle of the summer. If you could move on, just, quickly hand waving this because we have, but really, I do hope people, and on the mailing list and wherever, but, but, the URL is in the material that was submitted for this dynamic coalition. Can you ‑‑ can you ‑‑ scroll a little? Since I don't have that. You know, we asked about funding. And you will see in the ‑‑ in the drive document, various kind of funding models are listed. Collecting web sites. Collecting e‑mail addresses. How big are schools? Some are a small 10‑20 intimate group. Some are 30‑40. Some are 100‑200. You know those are different kinds of schools. They have different criteria. And very much trying in this taxonomy to collect things in a nonprejudicial way, it's not that one size is better than another size. Et cetera. just there are different ways. And one of the things I don't think we have a strong grasp of, what's the variety? How many ways are we creating the schools so that anybody who wants to start one, how many ways do they have? Composition of faculty. Are they professional teachers? Are they, you know, are they, people that are sent by the companies that sponsor it, are they hired external? Is it a mix? You know, are they from international organizations or sponsors? Number of faculty, et cetera. can we scroll some more? There is a lot in this. I think once we have the taxonomy, taxonomy, a taxonomy that, you know the people in this network, you all, and others, are sort of satisfied with, then we can figure out what, which of the questions are good questions for writing narrative of here are the kinds of schools, here are the ways you can do it. And which war the important ones to collect as we try to document the kinds of schools, the number of schools, the, the what all of various schools. I will stop now because there is two minutes. We have to leave. But please, find that drive document. As I say it was on the ‑‑ it was the document listed for this. Look at this website. And give suggestions on how to make it better. Because what we have up here is basically the first efforts of a very small group of people who have talked to you, and as I said, I have combed through your websites. But, I haven't, in fact, I took a list of all of the various schools people mentioned. And there were a couple I didn't find while I was looking for all. So, I have a bunch of schools yet to research. If that is a quick 10‑minute hand wave.

>> SANDRA HOFERICHTER: Thank you very much for walking us through. The time is not enough that we really discussed this form in detail now. But as you said, actually I must admit since I included already the feedback from three sources, the Google Drive you mentioned is not up to date.

>> AVRI DORIA: It needs to be brought up to date.

>> SANDRA HOFERICHTER: I will copy/paste this content into the Google Drive and spread information on the mailing list. I ask everyone in the room interested to work on this dynamic coalition to subscribe to our mailing list and all the information how to collaborate, how to move forward will come via the mailing list and we will also offer the basic information on this website. At the moment, Rainier is hosting the website. If there is an agreement that Rainier remains contact for the Dynamic Coalition, these are things we can continue discussing on the mailing list. And I will, please use that week to subscribe to the mailing list and then we will then continue with the work there after. But Andrea, we cut your intervention and, and with this, I give you the last word, you have two minutes.

>> Thank you, Sandra. Actually, just a question. Did you reach out already to university networks and I came late to the session, so you may have touched this already?

>> SANDRA HOFERICHTER: Since we have some faculty member that are of academic nature, they are connected to universities and this is at the moment our ‑‑ our arm into universities. But I know you organized recently a school in collaboration with the Barcelona university. And if you could join that network and bring those people, that would be really much, very much appreciated because I really think we can collaborate and also learn with universities. Thank you. So, if there are no other urgent ‑‑ you have ‑‑

I have to leave sharp at 10:00 the I can leave the mike open. But, you have the last, very short word.

>> Thank you. I just wanted to ask, do we, when the network is established and subscription, mailing list, it set radio, will we have some meetings? At conference calls it set to finish this work, and not just one face to face.

>> SANDRA HOFERICHTER: One face to face, IGF, and virtual meetings and if it makes sense, regional meetings. Wolfgang.

>> To reply. Founding of the summer program, goes back to workshop, global governance academic workshop. They have one in Paris, there is one. I think this is the best contact point if you want to involve academics in the faculty to do it by that.

>> SANDRA HOFERICHTER: Thank you, for your attendance and active participation. And I look forward continuing on the mailing list and make this network alive. This meeting is adjourned. See you around.