IGF 2017 WS #111
Financing and building sustainable community networks - the Coolab experience

    Short Title
    Sustainable community networks - the Coolab experience
    Proposer's Name: Mr. bruno vianna
    Proposer's Organization: coolab
    Co-Proposer's Name: Mr. marcelo saldanha
    Co-Proposer's Organization: Instituto Bem Estar Brasil
    Mr. Adriano BELISARIO, Civil Society, Coolab Mr. Rafael ZANATTA, Civil Society, IDEC
    Additional Speakers

    Nils Brock, journalist and researcher (Phd at the Free University of Berlin) in the field of communication politics and media development. Freelance writer and correspondent in Latin America for 12 years (eg. Jungle World, welt-sichten, Nachrichtenpool Lateinamerika, NPLA). Co-founder of Flujos.org media collective in Mexico in 2007. Since then, he has had several experiences as media trainer and producer. International aidworker for AMARC Brasil (2012-2017). Since September 2017 project coordinator and media developer for NPLA in Berlin, Germany.


    1. Introduction – 10 minutes

    2. Presentation of Coolab proposal and results so far – 30 minutes

    3. Open for participants’ questions – 20 minutes

    4. Sharing of participants experiences on sustainable networks – 30 minutes

    5. Debate on community-based ustainable networks – 45 minutes

    6. Next steps and conclusions - 15 minutes