IGF 2017 WS #107 Out of my Hands?

    Short Title
    Harnessing exponential tech to counteract sextortion

    Proposer's Name: Ms. Marjolijn Bonthuis
    Proposer's Organization: NLIGF 
    Co-Proposer's Name: Ms. Catherine Garcia van Hoogstraten
    Co-Proposer's Organization: The Hague University of Applied Sciences, South School of Internet Governance 
    Ms. Arda, Gerkens, Civil Society, Expertisebureau Online Child Abuse, Dutch Senator
    Ms. Catherine Garcia van Hoogstraten, The Hague University of Applied Sciences,  South School of Internet Governance 

    Additional Speakers

    *Maya Indira Ganesh, Director of Applied Research at Tactical Technology Collective

     * Catherine Garcia van Hoogstraten, Tech Law, Internet Policy and Cybersecurity Consultant and Tenured Associate Professor at the Faculty of Public Management, Law and Security & Expertise Centre for Cybersecurity-The Hague University of Applied Sciences, Faculty member of the South School of Internet Governance

    *Walid Al Sagaf, Vice Chair at ISOC Blockchain Special Interest Group

    * Renata Aquino, Researcher in Education, Communication and Technology, member of ISOC Blockchain

    * Su Sonia Hearing, Mentor at Middle East & Adjoining Countries School of Internet Governance, Organizing Committee Member Youth IGF Turkey

    *Arda Gerkens, Director of Expertise bureau Online Child Abuse & INHOPE, Dutch Senator

    *Edo Haveman, Head of Public Policy Netherlands at Facebook

     * Neil Walsh, United Nations Cybercrime Chief, UNODC

    Onsite Moderator: Catherine Garcia van Hoogstraten

    Online Moderator: Vanessa Berning


    Rapporteur: Marjolijn Bonthuis


    Session Format: Birds of a Feather - 90 Min


    Proposed Agenda:

    Welcome and Overview - 2 minutes Moderator

    Overview of the problematic through a video – 3 minutes

    Speakers reacting to the 3 critical questions - 35 minutes

    Open discussion among audience participants facilitated by Moderator and speaker acting  as discussion Facilitators- 40 minutes

    Summarize outcomes  – 10 minutes

    Full title:

    'Out of my hands?: Harnessing exponential tech and user centered action to counteract sextortion'


    Proposer: Marjolijn Bonthuis
     E-mail: [email protected]
    Stakeholder Group: Intergovernmental Organization
     Organization: NLIGF
     Country: Netherlands


    Co-proposer: Catherine Garcia van Hoogstraten

    Email: [email protected]

    Stakeholder Group: Technical Community
     Organization: The Hague University of Applied Sciences, South School of Internet Governance

    Country: The Netherlands & Peru

    Arda, Gerkens, Civil Society, Director of the expertise bureau Online Child Abuse & INHOPE, Dutch Senator
    Catherine Garcia van Hoogstraten, The Hague University of Applied Sciences, South School of   Internet Governance


    The list of this workshop organizers and confirmed discussion facilitators achieves gender (5 women and 3 men), geographic, and stakeholder balance given that speakers come from all the UN regions (1 from Asia, 2 from Africa and Middle East, 2 from GRULAC, 3 from WEOG); and they represent different stakeholder groups (Civil Society, Academia, Technical Community, Private Sector, IGO, and Government). They come from different backgrounds and hold different opinions. Thus, all policy perspectives are contained in this workshop. Further, online moderator and one speaker of this workshop are under 25 years old.



    Session Format: Birds of a feather- 90 Min

    Format description: The goal of this Birds of a feather session is to create an open forum and multistakeholder dialogue in which the attendees generate the majority of the discussion and knowledge sharing. The session will be organized as a facilitated and highly interactive dialogue through which each participant will have the opportunity to express their position.

    After introducing the case in point with a video (max. 3 minutes), the moderator will ask the speakers a round of 3 key critical questions posed in the introduction to the session that will reflect the main goals of this session explained below.  The speakers will have 5 minutes each for reacting to the 3 critical questions(total of 35 minutes). We will use green cards to let all onsite and online participants signal their convergence and red to signal their divergence with the 3 critical questions(40 minutes). We will ask during the discussions to justify their view points of convergence or divergence in relation to the questions. We have used this format already in prior internet governance national forums and turned out to be very interactive.


    Content of the session:

    The internet is shaping our life in many ways, some of it being a bliss, some being terrible. Sex is an important part of the internet, but so far the use of internet as a part of sexual exploration has had its downside. Society likes to blame the one who made the pictures, saying that by not having them, you will not be at risk. But the real problem is the anonymous spreading on the internet. Letting these images go public is a nightmare to many people. What if you could decide if, how and where an image is spread? What can you do to be in control of your own images made?

    This birds of a feather session will address the current theme of sextortion and the tech responsiveness of websites and applications to help victims in sextortion incidents need of minimizing and controlling the impact and scale of this form of online harassment based on non-consensual distribution of sexual images. It will advance our understanding of the attempts in the ecosystem technical response to tackle with sextortion

    It will mainly survey emerging exponential technology and user centered action being deployed by multistakeholders to counteract sextortion. Furthermore, this session will bring together different stakeholders to facilitate a joint discussion with online and onsite participants on the challenges and opportunities brought by this emerging exponential technology to tackle sextortion.


    The session has four main GOALS:

    1. Explore key emerging exponential technology and user centered action being deployed by multistakeholders to counteract sextortion

    2. Identify its challenges and opportunities and its implications for Internet Governance


    The expected OUTCOMES include the following:

    1. Nuanced understanding of current emerging exponential technology and user centered action being deployed by multistakeholders to counteract sextortion and its implications for Internet Governance

    2. Multistakeholder dialogue and commitment to contribute to draft policy recommendations to help victims in sextortion incidents



    Relevance of the Session:

    To be in control of your digital images, being able to stop spreading of leaked images or being made under sextortion, should be a possibility with the technologies out there. That would truly be shaping your future on the internet.  These new tech tools will be using image matching technology combined with AI to stop a photo from being shared before it even gets a chance to make it live on the platform and will also work across other platforms like Facebook, Messenger or Instagram.



    Tag 1: Cybersecurity

    Tag 2: Child Safety

    Tag 3: Multistakeholder action




    Discussion facilitation:
    Organizers will develop a list of thought-provoking questions to spur conversation. In addition, we will closely work with the remote moderator to ensure online participants are afforded equal opportunity to participate.

    As a birds of a feather session, we hope for a lively, perhaps confrontational discussion as our speakers engage as peers with the other participants around the table. The onsite moderator will sharpen contrasts between points of view, request examples from everyone in the room, and note points of covergence and divergence with respect to the 3 critical questions. The goal of this session is not necessarily to reach consensus on the nature of the problem or potential mitigations, but rather to elucidate a variety of frank points of view, and perceptions of what key internet stakeholders ought to be doing in response. This is not a panel, and as such all speakers will be looking to engage substantively with the others in the room.

    Online Participation:

    The livestream for this event will be promoted in advance through the social networks of the organizer, as well as by discussants. Responses to the session’s key discussion topics will be solicited in advance from community members who will not be able to participate in the live discussion, such as those located in time zones not conducive to viewing the livestream. Questions and comments received will be shared with the Onsite Moderator for incorporation into the live discussion. During the live session, the Online Moderator will coordinate with remote participants to facilitate live audio participation in the discussion if technical media permit. In addition, non-audio based comments and questions received through social media or chat discussions in the virtual meeting space will be integrated into the discussion directly by the Online Moderator.


    Conducted a Workshop in IGF before?: Yes
    Link to Report: https://www.intgovforum.org/filedepot_download/4098/301