The following are the outputs of the real-time captioning taken during the Twelfth Annual Meeting of the Internet Governance Forum (IGF) in Geneva, Switzerland, from 17 to 21 December 2017. Although it is largely accurate, in some cases it may be incomplete or inaccurate due to inaudible passages or transcription errors. It is posted as an aid to understanding the proceedings at the event, but should not be treated as an authoritative record.
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(captioner standing by)
The central work of what we call is a system of systems. The latest systems are owned by countries that the first system is what we together will build. The system assistance links the observant system to the stress monitoring of the state of the earth and the source of observing is from -- from the ground stations and airborne and marine borne instruments. And why does it matter? We believe that although countries have borders, but environmental issues don't have borders. And earth's observation don't have borders. So, we have to work together to enhance the systems to coordinate the systems, to provide realtime, good quality, and long-term observations to help us to put the programs in sustainable development in climate change and all kinds of environmental problems. Next, please. And how when he do that, the first step is data sharing.
GEO is a forearm for governments to learn from each other why we should make data open. Why we should unleash the value of earth's observation. Next, please? Here is -- we promote data and it's sharing as the open data as the form of GEO to make them available as part of GEO's data core, without charge, without restrictions that we use, and we also advocate minimum restrictions on use and no more than the cost of reproduction if 06 the national policies conclude that full data sharing.
Next, please? And to do this, we -- one work we have been constantly doing is to -- to elaborate the values of open data sharing. So, here's the research paper we've done. There are five categories of the earth's observations, data sharing, economy, education, governance, research innovation, and society. OI can give you the example of the big value. And so, this is a slide we use very often about the land site, open sharing the value, it brings after it's shared with international -- before the open data policy in 2007, the data use of satellite of live data is about 50 teams per day. But after the data policy, it increased dramatically around 5,700 per day. And the school research paper brought by this open data policy is around 2 billion per year.
So, this is the fundamental case. And after that, we know that the European commission changed their data policy and now we have the full open access to the data. And from this year, China also announced the open data policy to a couple of satellites, including the new launched carbon satellite. It will be a phenomenal contribution to the climate change mitigation. Next, please.
So, in addition to the forum for negotiation or for PR, we have an infrastructure we call the GEO common infrastructure. It uses the most flexible technical framework to broker the systems contributed from other countries. So currently we have more than 160 catalogs brokered. And with that, more than 5,000 data providers. And all together, we bring more than 200 -- 400 -- 400 million data and information resources. These are all open and free resources can be utilized by our international community by everyone. Next, please. I think the next several slides are the snapshot of the infrastructure. I will go through quickly. This is a back office infrastructure. Next slide, please.
We allow the -- almost all existing standards to -- to get them into our infrastructure. Next, please? And this is a part of -- this is a human interface to this data resource. Next, please? And we allow our multicriteria search and visualization.
Next, please? And so, if we say that the data sharing principles or open data is more on the political side, the positive side, then we say the data management, we suppose, are the technical side to how to enable data sharing. So, we have 10 principles, 5 categories of data management principles. Discovery and preservation and curation. Next, please? In order to work with us to recommend the principles, we recommend several levels for assessment. So, this level is a self-assessment the organizations can use these and the guidelines to do some self-assessment to improve their accordance. The segment level is peer review or data providers have each one to look at how they have been done. We recommend the organization can go to formal data management processes to improve.
Next, please? And we also have some visualization tools to help our organization to do that. Next? So that's it. That's a snapshot of what we have done and what I have not covered is in addition to our infrastructure, we also have around 30 pilot projects working in the societal benefit areas including security and disaster risk reduction. So, the purpose of these pilot projects is making use of the free and open earth observation data to show case your application in these areas. How environmental issues can be addressed. Thank you very much.
Thank you, thank you very much. We have a refresher from Kenya, Jomo Kenyatta, professor? Will you open that?
>> Phone Participant: Hello, can you hear me? Can you hear me? Yes? Hello, hello? Yes? I'm from Kenya. Can you hear me? Yes? I don't know if anyone can hear me. I hope you can hear me. I am presenting on show casing the best -- and data in Kenya. Hello, I hope you can hear me.
>> Moderator: Yes.
>> Phone Participant: I have a brief lecture -- and this project is about how we collected data. And they have a population of about 40 billion people. And the town called Mubato. Another town called Ecru. And basically driven by them. I have one slide. I hope you have the slide there. You can see that slide. That's it. Here in Kenya and cultures and next slide. The effect the internet has had in Kenya. The computers and cameras. And mobile phone. Mobile phone is the have mobile phones. So, this is used to connect to the internet and use data. Next slide talk about the intervention. Protocols with mobile devices with effect. Now going to our project, we have a project -- what mobile phones to use. The best policies for phones. So, we are trying to get the phones. These are the main sources of data. We're going to develop an application. We have tried to figure out an application so development of the application and from there we hope that the application will launch.
That's more or less -- and the aspect -- many households in Kenya. That's more or less it. There are many stakeholders who are helping us do this. And thank you so much everyone. I'm sorry the infrastructure is not that good. But that is my presentation.
>> Moderator: Thank you, thank you very much. Maybe we request see you sometime face-to-face. So next speaker, another remote.
>> Are you on-line? Are you with us?
>> Ricardo Israel Robles Pelayo: Yes, I am. Can you hear me?
>> Yes, please go ahead with your presentation.
>> Ricardo Israel Robles Pelayo: Hello, everyone. Good morning, good morning. I am Ricardo Israel Robles Pelayo. And the topic that I'm going to speak on the internet is property and human rights in Mexico. The relationship of internet property and human rights. As you know, can be used in the public sphere by the government and commercial and nonprofit companies by the private sector. Despite again the protection of human rights is the priorities of Mexican government contained international plans.
The information contained will be used to combat the poverty. However, responsible for using -- to prevent the economy. It can also affect human rights when personal information is used for different issue s are different from those established.
The next slide, please. I hope presentation is okay. You can see the slides. The human rights are Mexican constitution and the International Commission of Human Rights. Mexico also participate s in 12 human rights and that's most important in human rights. Personal data as part of human rights in Mexico found in the flowing laws. Mexican constitution recognizes the right for people to technology. They have the right to their personal data. However, must not indicate how personal data will be protected to keep it confidential. Next slide, please?
Mexico and big data. Mexico regulating that the closest to a revolution on this issue is found in
(speaking non-English language)
In English, the law on the protection of personal data in the possession of substance. The goal is the protection of data for the purpose of regulation they're ready to make controls and inform citizens. It was depiction of personal data is contained in the law. The legal notice is a privacy notice in which the person who acquires information must specify the purpose in the collection of personal data. I want to emphasize in this case, the information protected is the one that can be used. In this sense, the program of protection and personal information in the field of application of Mexican laws are the storage of big data, not only affects the personal sphere, but also in their field. The law has made controversy in my country concerning the topic in article IX states the information generated by the application of this law should be considered security and classified in accordance with and the provision of information.
Next slide, please. The risk of violation of the use of personal information with the security law consists in the ambiguity of the writing of the mentioned article with doubts about the possibility that the information of the people could be considered risky for internet security. Moreover, the information to be consulted and used by the Mexican government without any excuse. It will result in a violation of human rights and property as well. Therefore, a possible -- in the property law could affect the economic interests of private companies, therefore, it is almost impossible to do it without property laws.
Next slide, before approval, the recommendations by the international -- of the internet security law in which opportunity that the United Nations and the inter-American commission of human rights, we commented the application of the law indicating that the terms which it is intended to fly are contrary to standards of human rights and will not provide solutions that can reach the problem. Mexico is going to be facing legal and social situations that cannot take the security of individuals in information unless a clear position is established by the government where personal training is warranted in the application of the law.
The last slide. I hope this topic was of interest and thank you for joining me.
>> Chuang Liu: Thank you, thank you very much. So we will have the next speaker. He's the chairman of science and technology for science in India. He'll introduce the practices on the elevation and also environmental protection in India. Please, you have the floor.
(speaker is not audible)
>> Panelist: Sorry. Okay. Can you hear me? Is it okay? Okay. Great. Okay, so -- so today's topic is around the framework of the internet data for property alleviation and the protection in India. Making this introduction for sharing and exchange of ideas for all participants.
The next slide, please. So I think, you know, it's everybody know, you know, India is the country with the second largest population around the world. But it is a country also with the property issue and environmental issue which is well known by all of the parties across the world. So, in terms of property, you know, although India is also a very, very large economy and it's growing very fast as a developing country. But the average GDP per person is about $2,000 U.S. dollar and the gap to reach people in poverty is getting huge. You know? There's 100 million people who have little access to the education and healthcare and public resources are helping them to support their daily life and support their possibility to be away from the poverty.
And of course, you know, the -- that the root, of course, is much about the people living in poverty. They really have little access to the modern technology and the infrastructure. So, they, you know, it's very important for them to have the opportunity to improve their situation. And the environmental issue, also, India is having very serious the pollution issue in terms of the air quality, in terms of the water pollution.
So, every year, the Indian government has to spend, you know, in improving the pollution issues, improving the situation. And, of course, that brings a huge pressure on the -- on the GDP growth. Because, you know, the country has to spend about 6% -- it's around 5.7%, nearly 6% of GDP on the environmental issue and improvement. And, of course, the food -- the food issue is also a kind of the environment issue that India is facing today. Okay, next slide, please?
So, the strategy, the framework we're going to use for the alleviation, we're going to go in four steps. We do it step-by-step, you know? As we know, the key issue for the people in poverty is they really have little chance to change their situation, so the step is we need to give them the equal opportunity. So, the step is we're giving the infrastructure to them, actually, in today's modern world, the people need to get equal education, get equal opportunity in terms of healthcare and employment. So, the first step is let people to have the infrastructure. They have the equipment to access to the resource the modern resource and modern technologies.
And the second step is we need to build up the low-cost internet success for them and using the low cost internet success to grant access to people in poverty to access to the knowledge and to the on-line resources around education, around the healthcare, you know, also around the employment.
Step three will be a certain percent of finishing. And the last step, the public resource. As the people in the poverty, they need to earn the equal opportunity, the equal opportunity, they also have the equal access to the public resources like, you know, healthcare, like employment, you know, everything. Okay, next slide, please?
So, what we're doing today in India is, you know, the last year, we have already giving around 6 million to 7 million of mobile phones of people living in poverty. Okay? And financially, we support them. Every month, 100 rupee to use their mobile phone services. So, people are getting the infrastructure, getting the equipment to help do their -- to gain the resources on line. And also, of course, and India is a very big country. There's a lot of area -- the poor region, the poor areas, they have little access to the internet. So, what we're doing is we're encouraging the international can come to cover more remote areas in poverty and providing the low cost of internet access.
And what we are doing around the pollution is pollution we used the automatic attach technology and PM-2.5 and MM-10 and other parcels and we base on the monitoring and the India government is able to set the policy based on the detection report to make sure that every penny and dollar we spend on the pollution and environmental protection is going to be great, is going to be the best return on investment.
And also, in and we will be setting up some public index about the pollution. So basically, that's the -- that's the status, the root of the cause of the water pollution and air pollution. So basically, we -- we use that way to supervise, to supervise the, you know, these behaviors, these actions, which is going to bring the effects on the water pollution. So, we encourage the people, encourage not just government, but at the whole social growth, the whole social growth and the enterprising individual and to take action against the industrial pollution and to take action on the protection of the natural environment.
Next slide, please? Okay. So -- so of course it's a really a long way. So, the first step is we need to give the people access, you know? That's about the infrastructure. That's about the internet access. And so, this is the -- this is going to be the step one. But you know, afterwards, we have a lot of things we need to do so the future, we're going to create a future for poverty alleviation. So, after step one, when the people have access to the internet, when they have the basic equipment like mobile phone, computer, or tablet, and so we're going to get the support from the society, from the government, and to -- and mostly to support the parties around donating the service with the special finish order and our on-line platform running. On top of the platform so we can build up the more programs and activities to support the poverty alleviation.
And, of course, and we -- on top of the platform, we are able to use the big data technology to study and analyze the root of the cause of the poverty and the precise population in the poverty. And the step three, we open access to the whole society, the enterprise, you know, the government, and even not just limited to India, but to the world-wide and for the donation and aid. And to be honest, there's a -- we have already spoken to the several enterprises, including the companies like Solanise. Including companies like Hewlett Packard. So basically, they have a lot of equipment. You know, that will be retired in three or four years. And we have AO-I, the intention and to gain and they will donate these devices. So, we will have the donation aid to support us to build up the facilities and resources for the people living in poverty.
And on top of that, so we can put a lot of programs around the finished aids, also on-line education and healthcare. I think education and healthcare is also going to be very tough for people living in poverty, especially when the government has a very little budget to deal with this situation. So, we'll use on-line resources which is much more effective and productive and cost effective and to deliver the education and the healthcare and to the people who stay remotely in the, in the poverty cities or regions.
And the final step is we -- we encourage to offering the employment, offering them to help them to get off of the poverty completely by themselves. So, what we're doing is we're not just giving them money and giving them the food, but we're creating the opportunity, creating the chance for them to get out of the poverty. Next slide, please.
Okay. So -- so the overall there will be three steps. So, for the environmental protection. Also, step one is we build more infrastructure. And we put more sensors to gather the data and to reach the data import of the environmental parameters. And the second step we use the big data to analyze the raw data to understand what is the environmental issue is. And what is the root of the cause to cause this issue? Right? And of course, we granted access to the public, to the report and the index. Basically, that's for supervision because the environmental protection is a kind of the responsibility of every human being in this world, every individual, every enterprise, every government. It's not just one people or one government or one company's responsibility. So, we put -- put it in that way is like a social responsibility.
Okay, so the last step, of course, we will have a lot of measures. We will put measures and to take action against the -- the environment pollution and also take the positive policy and activity s on environmental improvement and protection. Thank you.
Next slide, okay. So -- so we have already put our action plan, but due to the time frame limitation, I will not be able to share too much details. In such a short time. But, you know, in general, we already had a plan and we are seeking for the UN support and to have more members enjoying our program and creating more positive influence and support to the programs.
And, of course, then we will create the entity and to support the implementation operation of the plan and then in gaining the finished aid and policy support from the government, to establish the platform on-line. And finally, of course, we will develop the reports of the programs on-line for execution. And we will have the people -- we will have the individual, we will have the government and the entities and enterprise across the country and over the world to support the success of the plan execution.
Next slide. Please, next one. Okay. So due to the time frame limitations, I would like to share my contacts with all of the participants and I would be happy to receive anymore inquiries from you by e-mail. And here I presented Dr. Klenadi, the chairman of the commonwealth Science and Technology Academy for Research. And thank you to every citizen and we would welcome from you any further discussion or collaboration. Thank you very much.
>> Chuang Liu: Thank you, thank you, very much. Now we have time to have discussions. Any questions for you? Please? Your name, of.
>> Audience: I'm from Pakistan. Thank you very much. It's very good presentation. Basically, on the infrastructure on big data. But the protection of environment. My question is you know the development of countries, the citizens and the government are working in silo. There is a less chance of big data. But it is very important for the government to provide citizens the information on the protection of the environment, to mitigate the issues.
So, what are your recommendations that developing countries, how they create the big data for the service to the citizens for the protection of the environment?
>> Chuang Liu: Okay, so any?
>> Yeah, I think, you know, it's a -- you know, I'm not joking, but it's really about the regulation and money, okay? Okay. So, I think number one is governments show the positive regulation of law to support the plan, support the activity. The second to let you know the beginning of the support from the social -- the social growth from the -- from the enterprise is going to be very important, you know? So actually, you know, India has a very similar issue, you know? The budget can be used to -- to do the activities to excuse the plans for the environmental protection or the pollution is going the to be very limited, okay? So, we encourage -- we get policy support, we set a regulation. And we speak to the -- speak to the enterprise, you know? And there's a lot of -- there's a lot of local companies, also the foreign company invested in India. And so we speak to the enterprise, speak to the local property. And encourage them to donate equipment, the infrastructure equipment so we can gain more resources to build up the platform for the big data and for the data base.
And, of course, you know, as you write, you know, there are too many data sources across the whole country, right? So, I think, you know, from the regulation perspective, governments should support and the second is you really need an independent infrastructure to gaining the sources and getting the base. There's a middle layer, which is transforming the data from the data sourcing, of course, the data sourcing is going to be in different places, also in different -- maybe a format. You need a middle wheel and you need a big system to transforming in data and to your local data base. But of course, the previous -- you need a regulation in place. And you need the support from the enterprise and the society and, of course, you need these infrastructures and a system in place at first.
So, it's going to be a very long-term plan, which it takes many years. So, what we're doing today as you say, we start from infrastructure and we step-by-step, we're going to go through phase I, phase II, phase III, and phase IV.
>> Chuang Liu: Thank you. Any other questions? We have any remote questions? You have those?
>> Yes. Yes, we have a remote question. How can different source of data effectively promote local development and reduce poverty?
>> Chuang Liu: Anyone? Okay. Go ahead.
>> Yes, I think when I talk about information extraction from the results, we want to analyze the needs from the people who live in the poverty area. I think that means a network for the information collection. Not only since internet but also the social work to calculate the people, the people living in the rural area to use information service to have an engagement of mobile communication and the farming information service. That means we need not only to promote the usage of mobile service, all kinds of technology, but also, we need the platform. This is a common platform which can encourage the information communication of all kinds of information, which is useful for the rural people to get information for their living and to promote their products and also everything -- not only about the improving their lives. We have information for them to survive the very beginning stage. That's it, thank you.
>> Chuang Liu: Any other questions? So, for this should be the topic. Big data governance, it's a big topic. It's complex data. It's not only internet, not only the data, but the so this is a new thing, new challenge. Sole GEO data sharing principles. We also have co-data and they have a data sharing principles. But how we implement the data principles. So, we, I think we need like a question from Nepal said how can big data benefit the local people. I think there's one thing. They are -- they -- we are not very good infrastructure. So, we need an infrastructure at your site. We need the infrastructure. And not everybody knows how to use this. Very few people know how to use the data. People don't understand, use the same data but different products. Different abilities. So, we need in developing countries, we need this. So, this is truly. So other things, because the different places have different situations. We learn to share this. So how to show the examples. How do we show the best practices? This is not easy. Of course, we need the internet, big data security.
Someone, the developer, like a -- like admiral -- they take the data. Automatically. Some things are illegal. We need the have the security. How to protect the intellectual property to make sure that the data is useful and security and benefit both. Data creator and data user.
So, all of these things, everything is challenging, a new issue comes. So, I think we need the guidelines. So that is we are looking for the data guideline for data sharing principles. The data sharing principles in developing countries in 2014. But year before last year, we had a workshop in Mexico how to make the guide. And then our people to follow and to get the benefit of the big data.
So that meeting we forecast our challenges, what challenges we are seeing. And the last year, we had a similar meeting in Russia, in the city? What city? In St. Petersburg, Russia. We have that meeting. We are focusing on the content. What's the content of the guidelines should have so what do we need? But this -- this meeting, we forecast the players. Stakeholders? What is a stakeholder? Here, we have the scientific communities, we have international organizations, we have private sectors. We have government, the governmental sectors. We also have universities. So, all different players. So, what to do? How do we work together? There's a different job. And then forecast in the weekend, the benefit the local people and the reaching us.
So, we are very happy for this year -- this -- next year, next year we are 15 years, I think. That was a vast 15, yeah? So next year is 15 years. So, after this meeting, so I would keep you content. We have a series of activities and workshops on-line. So, focus on the guidelines. So, if you are interested, please sign your name in the sheet. We have a paper. Sign your name, your contact information, and then I will give you contact and then we can work together. And then, last year we had a training program in China and the next year -- next year we have Nipa and Soviet Africa, we -- in Botswana. And then we also have in -- in data forum, former United Nations in Dubai. So, all of this works. We really want you to be involved, to join us in the years -- several years. Big data is a -- but we keep separate years. Then we can definitely believe we can get through it.
So, since 2002 -- the year after 2002, the developing countries established that. And more than 15 years. So, we work hard on this, but now we have an international team. So South Africa, many countries, India. They got benefits and they want to expand this group, including you. And I know you're very busy. But if you're not available to directly join this, I would ask you to get your country to join us.
Okay, so any other questions? Anybody?
>> Our role is to develop data and in developing countries it's very useful to make use of the open data already available around the world. So, it really means that it's -- I don't have to create your own. You can make use of the data created by others, and use them to -- to tackle the problem you have. And the second point is that in developing countries, I think big data is not the biggest problem, it's the infrastructure that's the problem. And I think the new governments to -- to increase and invest in that. Thank you.
>> As a viewer, we have the SGDs 2030 is a big challenge and I think big data, it is an effective tool for us to achieve that goal.
>> Thank you. I still want to put emphasis on the -- national lab is viewed of an organization and also different communities for the best example, the farmers, the local governments, and also newcomers, service providers. I think it would be a good practice for all of the countries. And also, internationally, we all have change ideas and experience in different countries with a similar situation. I think it's really helpful to avoid the -- the problem we have new content in the similar situations. So that's very helpful. We can do it together in the future work. Thank you.
>> Chuang Liu:
(speaker not audible)
Thank you.
[ Applause ]
(session concluded)