IGF 2016 First Open Consultations and MAG Meeting



The next Open Consultations and face-to-face Meeting of the IGF Multistakeholder Advisory Group (MAG) is scheduled to take place on 4-6 April 2016, in Geneva, Switzerland. 


The venue for the meeting will be Room A at the headquarters of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO):

34, Chemin des Colombettes

CH-1211 Geneva 20, Switzerland [Map]

Access to the venue: use entrance via Chemin des Colombettes street and follow the directions to the Meeting in Room A [Venue Access Plan].

Public Transportation Options 

Coming to WIPO from Geneva Airport:

Bus 5 (direction Thonex Vallard, stop at Nations)

Bus 28 (direction Jardin Botanique, stop at Nations)

Coming from the city centre and central railway station ("Cornavin"):

Bus 5 (direction Aéroport or Palexpo, stop at Nations)

Bus 8 (direction OMS, stop at Nations)

Bus F (direction Gex-ZAC, stop at Nations)

Boat Bus Z (direction Bois-Chatton, stop at Nations)

Trams 15 and 17 (direction Nations, stop at Nations)

Registration and Badging

All participants have to register for the meeting using the registration form that is available on the IGF website, here. The onsite registration will be available as well, but it is recommended to use the form. Upon arrival, participants should pick up their badges at the registration desk starting from 9 a.m. CET, by presenting their photo ID.


The main purpose of the 3-day meeting is to take stock of the IGF 2015 meeting and intersessional processes, as well as take forward discussions on the programme and structure of the IGF 2016 meeting in Mexico and other ongoing IGF activities.


Day 1: 4 April 2016 - Open Consultations

Time (CEST)

Agenda Item

10:00 - 11:00

1.    Opening statements and adoption of the agenda

a.     Statement by Mr. Wu Hongbo, Under-Secretary-General for Economic and Social Affairs

b.    Welcome by MAG Chair

c.    Presentation by 2015 Host Country

d.    2016 host - General statement on IGF 2016


11:00 - 13:00

      2. Taking stock of IGF 2015 (while setting expectations for IGF 2016)


a.    Secretariat’s summary of the inputs received to the stocktaking process.

b.    Comments on programme (main theme, sub-themes), structure (session types, schedule), logistics of IGF 2015 and lessons learned, suggestions for improvement.

c.   Comments on 2015 IGF intersessional activities and lessons learned, suggestions for improvement.

d.   Comments on Day 0, suggestions for improvement, role of MAG


13:00 - 15:00


15:00 - 18:00

    (Continuation of morning discussion (not beyond 16:00)


    3.   Presentation and open discussion on outcomes[1] of the December 2015 high-level meeting of the General Assembly on the overall review of the implementation of the outcomes of the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS), including IGF mandate renewal for an additional 10 years.


4. Presentations from related Internet Governance initiatives and processes and open discussion on possible IGF 2016 activities (TBD):


Day 2: 5 April 2016 - MAG Meeting (open to observers)

Time (CEST)

Agenda Item

10:00 - 13:00

1.    Opening Statements

a)    Welcome remarks by UNDESA

b)    Introduction of new MAG members (on-site and remote)


c)    2015 IGF Host’s remarks

d)     2016 IGF Host’s remarks


      2.  IGF 2016 Host presentation on preparations for 11th IGF


      3.    MAG Orientation: Discussion on role and responsibilities of MAG

4.   Discussion on IGF MAG Modalities


      5. Discussion on possible approaches/general outline of overall IGF 2016   preparatory process

a)    Traditional approach/parallel approach, etc.

b)    Shaping the programme of IGF 2016 (themes and sub-themes) -

workshops, open forums and other sessions; identifying main theme, sub-themes, working ‘tracks’, possible capacity building sessions; integration of intersessional work and National and Regional IGFs, etc.


      6. Discussion on possible 2016 IGF intersessional activities

a)    Types of activities (Best Practice Forums, Dynamic Coalitions, National and Regional IGFs, others, etc.)

b)    Creation of working groups and timetable(s) for intersessional work

13:00 - 15:00

Lunch + Informal Meeting of Representatives of National and Regional IGFs      

15:00 - 18:00

(Continuation of morning discussion)      


      7. General Discussion on IGF 2016

a)    Shaping the structure of IGF 2016 (session types and schedule)

b)    Selection criteria/timetable and mechanisms, etc. for workshops and other sessions

c)    Main sessions

d)    Other sessions including individual Best Practice Forum and Dynamic Coalition sessions, Day 0 ‘pre-events’

e)    Integration of National and Regional IGFs and other relevant Internet Governance processes into IGF 2016 programme and intersessional activities


Day 3: 6 April 2016 - MAG Meeting (open to observers)

Time (CEST)

Agenda Item

10:00 - 13:00

      1. Continue discussions from Day 2 agenda

a)    Decisions on timetable and preparatory schedule for selection of themes, workshops and other sessions, programme structure, intersessional activities, etc.


13:00 - 15:00

Lunch + Informal meeting of IGF Dynamic Coalitions 

15:00 - 18:00


      2. Creation of (or establishing continuance of existing) MAG Working     Groups (if necessary)


     3. Discussion and decisions on overall preparatory calendar of meetings and milestones for IGF 2016 annual meeting and intersessional activities


    4. Any other business




Upon arrival, participants should pick up their badges at the registration desk starting from 9 a.m. CET, by presenting their photo ID. 


Links for participation during the main meeting in plenary

Webex based (www.webex.com

April 4

April 5

April 6

Remote Participation Recommendations:

Remote participants will be able to interact throughout the meeting by sending text questions and/or video/audio interventions using the remote participation platform (Webex). These questions will be forwarded to the panel moderator when s/he opens the floor for questions from the audience.

When making an intervention remotely, please remember that your remarks may be interpreted into different  languages and keep the following points in mind:

• speak from a quiet office without background noise;

• if calling by phone, use a landline and not a mobile;

• speak slowly and clearly so the interpreters can compensate any audio problem;

• speak into your handset and not into a speaker phone;

• when you speak, make sure your computer speakers are muted or turned down.

• start by stating your name and the country or organization that you represent.

• end your remarks with the phrase "This concludes my intervention".

• be prepared to type your question or comment in the chat window, if connection is poor.

• be sure to send by email a copy of any presentation, speech or material you intend to deliver.

Despite their rigorous training and extensive experience, interpreters may occasionally be hindered in their ability to provide a smooth rendering, should the audio become substandard. In extreme cases, they may even have to refrain from interpreting altogether. Please note that for an interpreter the audio signal has to be near-perfect.

remote participation manual containing instructions on how to participate remotely is available.

1st IGF Open Consultations and Multistakeholder Advisory Group (MAG) Meeting

 4-6 April 2016

World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), Geneva, Switzerland

Executive Summary: Announcements, Decisions Taken and Next Steps:

  • It was announced that the 2016 IGF annual meeting was tentatively scheduled to be held from 6-9 December in Guadalajara, Mexico, in the state of Jalisco, at the Instituto Cabanas, a UNESCO Heritage Site, pending final confirmation from the host country and the United Nations.
  • It was decided that the main overarching theme and title of the 2016 IGF would be: ‘Internet Governance Forum 2016 - Enabling Inclusive and Sustainable Growth’.
  • The MAG Chair appointed Ambassador Benedicto Fonseca Filho as Special Advisor to the MAG Chair to assist with outreach efforts within the UN and with senior policy makers
  • A timetable for the call for workshop proposals, workshop evaluation and selection was established by the MAG (ANNEX I), and it is expected that the public call for workshop proposals will go out no later than 15 April, with the final selection of workshops coming at the next face-to-face MAG meeting during the week of 11-15 July.
  • The 2016 sub-themes/thematic tracks for the programme will be established through the call for workshops in a bottom-up manner after the workshop proposals are received and evaluated. A list of possible issue areas/sub-themes (ANNEX II) will be provided to help guide workshop proposers, who will be able to label or ‘tag’ their workshops using the list provided or by writing in their own sub-theme/issue areas.. The call for workshops will also include some guiding, broad issue-areas and possible sub- themes and issue areas for the 2016 IGF.
  • A consensus decision was taken that NRI’s, BPFs, DCs, and intersessional work on CNB Phase II would be given space to hold main/thematic sessions at the annual meeting. There was also general agreement for a main/thematic session related to the UN SDGs, pending further consideration from the MAG.
  • MAG members who wish to put forward formal proposals for other main/thematic sessions should make such proposals to the MAG mailing list for further discussion and decision by the MAG.
  • There was agreement that BPF work should continue on the themes of 1) IXPs, 2) IPv6, 3) a theme related to cybersecurity (exact title TBD), and 4) a theme related to Gender and Access (exact title TBD).
  • There was strong support for a potential BPF on the theme of Internet Governance and Corruption (exact title TBD), pending a formal proposal and consideration of the MAG.
  • There was strong support for continuing the ‘Policy Options for Connecting the Next Billion(s)’ intersessional work in a ‘Phase II’, pending a formal proposal for such work to be reviewed and considered by the MAG.
  • There was a discussion re establishing an IGF WG to improve the MAG modalities on appointment processes, TOR, etc. and to do this in conjunction with the implementation of the CSTD Working Group on IGF Improvements. It was decided to move the discussion on creating a working group to a future meeting of the MAG given the clear willingness of all participants (including UNDESA and the UN) to work together to improve on various modalities.


Overall Summary


1.         The 1st Open Consultations and MAG Meeting of the 2016 IGF preparatory cycle took place from 4-6 April at WIPO headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland. Online participation was made available (live transcription, webex, webcast) for those who were unable to join in person. Ms. Lynn St-Amour moderated the meeting as newly appointed Chair of the MAG. Mr. Victor Lagunes, Chief Information Officer, Office of the President of Mexico, acted as co-chair of the meeting representing the 2016 IGF Host Country. Mr. Chengetai Masango represented the IGF Secretariat and Mr. Wai-Min Kwok represented the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UNDESA).


2.         The agenda for the 3-day meeting was focused on taking stock of the IGF 2015 meeting and intersessional processes, and progressing discussions on the programme and structure of the IGF 2016 meeting in Mexico as well as other ongoing IGF activities. Transcripts[1] and archived webcasts[2] from the 3 days of proceedings held in plenary can be accessed via the IGF website and IGF YouTube channel.


3.         The Open Consultations Day opened with a welcoming statement from United Nations Under-Secretary General for Economic and Social Affairs Mr. Wu Hongbo, who extended on behalf of the United Nations Secretary General a warm welcome and thanks to all incoming, continuing and outgoing MAG members, and the entire IGF community. Many expressions of thanks were given to outgoing MAG Chair Ambassador of Latvia Jānis Kārkliņš and many congratulatory messages were given to incoming MAG Chair Ms. Lynn St. Amour. Many expressions of thanks were also given to the 2015 IGF Host Country, Brazil, the 2015 Honorary Host Country Co-Chair Ambassador Benedicto Fonseca Filho, and to all those in Brazil who organized the meeting particularly the team from CGI.br.


4.         Much of the first day was spent consulting with the broader IGF community, taking stock of the 2015 IGF and looking ahead to the 2016 IGF. Many recalled what a big achievement the WSIS+10 review and the extension of the IGF mandate for another 10 years was. Many speakers expressed the importance of taking advantage of the new 10-year mandate, of continuing to deliver the mandate set out for the IGF in the Tunis Agenda[3], and in the WSIS+10 outcome[4] which states that the IGF should improve its working modalities and increase the participation of relevant stakeholders from developing countries.


5.         The Honorary Host Country Co-Chair Mr. Victor Lagunes gave a short presentation on preparations thus far for the 11th IGF. It was announced that the 2016 IGF annual meeting was tentatively scheduled to be held from 6-9 December in Guadalajara, Mexico, in the state of Jalisco, at the Instituto Cabanas, a UNESCO Heritage Site, pending final confirmation from the host country and the United Nations. It was emphasized that Mexico is working to make as much information available to the community as possible and on Day 2 of the meeting the initial version of the Host Country website[5] was made public. The host confirmed that they were working closely with the Mexican Foreign Affairs Ministry to ensure that information on how IGF delegates would be able to obtain visas to attend the IGF would be made available as early as possible.


6.         Some of the highlights and achievements from the 2015 Meeting that were mentioned were the Youth programme and the tangible outputs produced through intersessional activities including the Connecting the Next Billion exercise, Best Practice Forums, Dynamic Coalitions, and National and Regional IGF Initiatives. An input document to the consultations, the Synthesis Paper[6] of contributions taking stock of the 2015 IGF and looking forward to the 2016 IGF, was presented, and recalled many other important suggestions and recommendations received from the broader multistakeholder community. The setup and location of the IGF Village in 2015 was mentioned as a major success and the 2016 host country took note of this.


7.         Many participants appreciated the efforts undertaken to better integrate National and Regional IGFs into the Global IGF program and work, and some suggestions were made as to how National and Regional IGF initiatives could increase their linkages with the IGF in 2016 and beyond. Many interventions noted the strong participation in 2015 from high-level officials such as the WSIS+10 Co-facilitators and UN Special Rapporteurs, and that efforts to increase high-level government and other official’s participation and year-to-year engagement in IGF activities should continue.    


8.         There was a good dialogue and consensus amongst the MAG and broader community that the IGF should explore new ways to foster dialogue on how Internet Governance, Internet and ICTs, etc., can help achieve the newly established United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)[7]. There was also strong agreement amongst the community and the MAG that increased efforts must be made to engage and encourage participants from developing countries to participate in IGF intersessional activities, National and Regional IGF Initiatives and at the annual IGF meetings.  Further, that the IGF agenda of work should be shaped in such a way to invite and encourage their participation. These efforts should also be in line with the WSIS+10 Outcome Document and the renewed mandate of the IGF, as well as the recommendations[8] of the CSTD Working Group on Improvements to the IGF. Both the 2016 Host Country and the community agreed that the newly established SDGs should facilitate the engagement of new stakeholders and government Ministry officials working on the broad SDG agenda, as Internet Governance, Internet and ICTs, etc. are cross-cutting enablers for many of the 17 SDGs.


9.         Invitations to increase collaboration with the IGF, the MAG and broader IGF community, including National and Regional IGFs, were extended by representatives from organizations such as the United Nations Commission on Science and Technology for Development[9] (CSTD), the Global Internet Policy Observatory[10] (GIPO), the Global Forum on Cyber Expertise[11] and the World Economic Forum Internet for All Initiative[12]. Invitations for the IGF community to participate in upcoming events and meetings came from the ITU’s annual WSIS Forum[13], the United Nations Multistakeholder Forum on Science, Technology and Innovation[14] (STI Forum) and the United Nations High Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development[15].


10.       The MAG meeting officially opened on the morning of day 2 and was open to observers, and began with introductions from new, continuing and outgoing MAG members participating in-person and online.  Next, the 2016 Host Country Co-chair presented some additional details about Mexico’s plans to build on the successes and lessons learned from past IGFs. Mexico plans to have a technology infused event that uses online participation and interaction to fully engage both the Mexican multistakeholder community and the global IGF community participating both in-person and online. Mexico also plans to build an improved mobile application and to better integrate social media channels to help participants navigate the event and to enrich discussions online.


11.       There was a constructive dialogue about the recent MAG nomination and selection processes that had been carried out by the United Nations. Some MAG members had clarifying questions about the procedures and process and made some good suggestions for how the transparency of the process could be improved moving forward. It was emphasized by UNDESA that the UN would work to continually increase the transparency of the MAG renewal process and encouraged all stakeholders to provide the UN with suggestions. It was also emphasized that the UN will continue its work to implement the recommendations of the CSTD Working Group on IGF Improvements, particularly those recommendations pertaining to the MAG.  It was also noted by some MAG members that good progress had been made on diversifying MAG participation as this is a critical goal. For example, one member cited that 61% of the current MAG are from developing countries and off the new 2016 members, 71% are from developing countries. An orientation session was also held where the MAG terms of reference[16] were explained to new members.  


12.       There was a discussion about establishing a working group that would focus on the implementation of the CSTD Working Group on IGF Improvements, in conjunction with MAG modalities on appointment processes, terms of reference, etc. Given the clear willingness of all participants (including UNDESA and the UN) to work together to improve on various MAG modalities for MAG member and MAG Chair selection, it was decided to move the discussion on creating a working group to a future meeting of the MAG.


13.       Much of the afternoon of Day 2 was spent discussing the coming timeline of the work of the MAG and the IGF Secretariat in regards to the overall programming of the annual meeting, including the call for workshop proposals and the workshop evaluation and selection process. There was agreement amongst the MAG that work, particularly on the workshops, should build upon previous work carried out by the MAG[17]. This work included detailed guidelines, criteria, etc. to make the process as streamlined and useful for the community as possible. An informal working group of MAG members was set-up to review and bring back recommendations for improvements on the morning of Day 3. This meeting was well attended and the next day the MAG was able to approve the recommended changes.


14.       Intersessional IGF activities[18] were discussed at length on the last day of the meeting and many of those who were heavily involved in the 2015 intersessional work, including the work of the IGF Dynamic Coalitions (DCs), IGF Best Practice Forums (BPFs), National and Regional IGF Initiatives (NRI’s) and the work on ‘Policy Options for Connecting the Next Billion’ reflected on the work of 2015 and how activities could be taken forward in 2016.


15.       It was said by many that the work done in 2015 to bring the long-standing IGF DCs more into the IGF mainstream was a success, and should continue moving forward. The DCs reported that they had been meeting periodically since the close of the 2015 IGF annual meeting and that they were planning to put together a coordination group that would facilitate efforts to mainstream their activities. MAG members were invited to join this coordination group, and the DCs also expressed interest in again holding a main/thematic session at the 2016 IGF.

16.       MAG coordinators of some of the 2015 IGF BPFs reported into the MAG meeting on their experiences in 2015 and provided some ideas for how to take the BPF work forward. Many suggested that BPF work could now be seen as longer-term work for the IGF community with the new 10-year mandate, and many pointed to the BPFs as examples of how the IGF can produce tangible outputs on timely issues. Many expressed thanks to the IGF Secretariat for producing a useful handbook[19] summarizing the work of the 2015 BPFs.

17.       There was agreement that some of the BPF themes from 2015 should continue in 2016, specifically work on IPv6, IXPs, a cybersecurity related theme and a theme related to Gender and access. The cybersecurity related BPF would build on the CSIRTS and SPAM BPFs and the Gender and access theme would build on the work of the 2015 Countering Abuse Against Women Online theme. One suggestion for a new BPF theme that received significant support from the MAG was Internet Governance and Corruption, and this will be discussed further at an upcoming MAG virtual meeting. Many suggested that BPFs in 2016 should focus on increasing their outreach in regards to the ultimate dissemination of their outputs, and that the work should be carried out with longer-term continuity and focus on bringing in new voices and stakeholders into the IGF process.

18.       The ‘Policy Options for Connecting the Next Billion[20]’ intersessional work from 2015 was discussed and many appreciated the tangible outputs the work produced and the way in which it was produced in a bottom-up manner using the NRI’s and inputs from the multistakeholder community. It was noted that the document was produced to be a ‘living document’ that could evolve overtime and it was suggested that the work could continue into a ‘Phase II’ in 2016, building upon the progress made in 2015.  Specifically, there was significant support for focusing on how this work might be more useful/implemented at local levels.  The 2nd phase will be the subject of a future virtual MAG meeting.

19.       Many interventions from both MAG members and participating IGF stakeholders throughout the week emphasized the importance of continuing to better integrate the work of the NRI’s into the IGF, and vice-a-versa. Many consider the NRI’s to be one of the most important ‘outcomes’ of the IGF’s first 10 years, and it was said by many that coordination and communication between the NRI’s and the IGF was vital and should increase with the renewed IGF mandate. There was broad agreement that the NRI’s should be given not only a dedicated thematic/main session at the 2016 meeting but that multiple channels should be made available for the work and outcomes of the NRI’s to feed into the IGF annual meeting and intersessional activities.

20.       There was a forward looking dialogue with the 2016 Host Country about the traditional role of ‘Day-0’ of the IGF and specifically the ways in which a ‘high-level’ session might be carried out at the 2016 Mexico. The Host Country Chair expressed interest in innovating a bit in the organization of a traditional high-level event by perhaps integrating it into the main IGF program. The Host Country expressed its’ intentions to bring more high-level government officials to the IGF, through such a special session, and to innovate away from holding a traditional session which often times results in a series of prepared statements, and is seen as somewhat duplicative with the official Opening Ceremony. The MAG, IGF secretariat, and the host country were also in agreement that the MAG should be informed about the planning for ‘day-0’ to ensure optimal overall programming for the IGF and its delegates.  Traditionally, this has been largely between the IGF secretariat and the host country.

21.       During the general discussion on possible main/thematic plenary sessions for the 2016 IGF, there was agreement that space would be given to NRI’s, BPFs, DCs, and perhaps SDGs and the Phase II of the ‘Policy Options for Connecting the Next Billion’. to plan such sessions in coordination with the MAG and representatives and coordinators from these activities. Other suggestions were made by MAG members to hold main/thematic sessions on Human Rights, Cybersecurity, Internet and Inclusive Economy, Gender and Trade. MAG members were asked to submit formal written proposals on possible main/thematic sessions to the MAG for further discussion. The MAG Main Session guidelines should be used when planning any main/thematic sessions and there was broad agreement that such sessions should be forward-looking and aim to produce tangible outputs/results that could be forwarded to other relevant processes working on common themes or issues.

22.       Over the three days there were recurring discussions about how to establish the ‘overarching/main’ and ‘sub’ themes for the 2016 IGF meeting. The discussions aimed at finding a main theme/title for the meeting that would recognize the recent 10-year extension of the IGF’s mandate as well as other significant events such as the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (the SDGs). Possible sub-themes were also discussed in the context of the upcoming open call for workshop proposals, where traditionally sub-themes were used to guide proposers.

23.       A decision was made to decide on a title/main theme for the 2016 meeting which would help guide potential workshop proposers, but also leave room for the community and related intersessional efforts to influence the ‘sub-themes’ and thematic tracks of work for the programme through letting them ‘tag’ their workshop proposals. It was decided that a hybrid approach would be taken in regards to the themes and the workshops, as workshop proposers would be given some potential themes/issues to tag their workshop proposals (Annex II) but would also have the opportunity to write-in their own sub-themes/issues, thereby helping shape the programme more directly. It was decided that the overarching theme/title of the IGF would be ‘Internet Governance Forum (IGF) 2016- Enabling Inclusive and Sustainable Growth’.

Annex I











Open call inviting workshop proposals (Deadline: 6 June)

15 April – 6 June

7 weeks


Secretariat organizes and sends proposals to MAG for evaluation

6-13 June

1 week


MAG workshop evaluation

13 June – 4 July

3 weeks


Secretariat analysis and evaluation of workshop results

4-11 July

1 week


MAG meets to select final workshops

11-15 July

3-day meeting


Annex II


IGF 2016 Workshop Tags

Note: For thematic classification of the workshop proposals, it was decided that a hybrid approach will be taken in regards to the sub-themes and the workshops, as workshop proposers will be given some potential sub- themes/issues to tag their workshop proposals with, (below) but will also have the opportunity to write-in their own sub-themes/issues, thereby helping shape the programme more directly.

  1. Access and Diversity


-Policies Enabling Access

-Interconnection and Price Regulation

-Multilingualism and Local Content

-Enhancing Accessibility for Persons with Disabilities

-Digital Literacy


  1. Security, Openness and Privacy



-Freedom of Expression Online


  1. Internet & ICTs for the Sustainable Development Goals


  1. Internet Economy


  1. Human Rights Online


  1. Youth Engagement


  1. Gender Issues


  1. Multistakeholder Cooperation


  1. Critical Internet Resources


  1. Other Issues


-Net Neutrality

-Cloud Computing

-Zero Rating

-Internet of Things


List of Participants



Ms. Lynn St. Amour

  Internet Matters 


Host Country Co-Chair

Mr. Victor Romero

CIO, Office of the President of Mexico


Special Advisor to the Chair

Ambassador Benedicto Fonseca

Brasilia, Brazil - Director of the Department of Scientific and Technological Affairs at the Ministry of External Relations

MAG Members

Ms. Abdulla, Rasha

Associate Professor at the American University in Cairo

Mr. Bazlyankov, Iliya 


Mr. Bhatia, Virat 

Chairman, Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FICCI) Communication and Digital Economy Committee 

Ms. Bou Harb, Zeina 

OGERO Telecom, Ministry of Telecommunications, Lebanon

Mr. Boukadoum, Mourad 

Counselor, Permanent Mission of Algeria

Ms. Cade, Marilyn

CEO, Strategies mCADE llc.

Mr. Casasbuenas, Julian  

Director, Colnodo

Mr. Donkor, Wisdom 

Information Technology Manager, Technical Lead for Ghana Open Data Initiative, National Information Technology Agency

Mr. Elgamal, Hossam 

Board Member, AfICTA – Africa ICT Alliance

Ms. Erramuspe, Alejandra  

Communications Manager and Head of Internet Governance, Agencia de Gobierno Electrónico y Sociedad de la Información y el  Conocimiento (AGESIC)

Mr. Fernández González, Juan Alfonso 

Advisor, Ministry of Communications, Cuba

Mr. Estrada, Miguel Ignacio 

Internet Policy Analyst, Ministry of Modernization, Argentina

Ms. Franz, Liesyl

Senior Policy Advisor in the Office of the Coordinator for Cyber Issues at the Department of State, USA

Mr. Gjorgjinski, Ljupco Jivan 

Assistant Director, Cabinet of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Macedonia

Ho Chi Ping, Patrick 

Deputy Chairman and Secretary-General at China Energy Fund Committee 

Ms. Hutchison, Laura 

Policy Executive at Nominet

Mr. Lee, Xiaodong 

Chief Executive Officer, China Internet Network Information Center (CNNIC)

Ms. Mahmutovic, Aida 

Programme Manager, Oneworld - Platform for Southeast Europe (OWPSEE) Foundation

Mr. Mansoor Ansari, Omar 

President, TechNation Afghanistan 

Mr. Markovic, Slobodan 

Advisor for ICT Policy and Internet Community Relations, Serbian National Internet Domain Registry

Mr. Mazzone, Giacomo 

Head of Institutional Relations, European Broadcasting Union

Ms. Miller, Cheryl Ann 

Director of International Public Policy and Regulatory Affairs, Verizon

Mr. Moisander, Juuso 

Commercial Secretary, Information Society and ICT, Ministry for Foreign Affairs

Mr. Nelson, Michael 

Public Policy, CloudFlare, and Adjunct Professor, Internet Studies, Georgetown University

Ms. Okutani, Izumi 

Policy Liaison, Japan Network Information Center (JPNIC)

Mr. Olugbile, Segun 

CEO, Continental Project Affairs Associates

Mr. Pérez Galindo, Rafael

Head of Unit, Directorate for Information Society Services, Ministry of Industry, Energy and Tourism, Spain

Mr. Rhijn van, Arnold 

Senior Policy Advisor/Project Manager, Telecommunications Market Directorate, Ministry of Economic Affairs, Netherlands

Ms. Tamanikaiwaimaro, Salanieta

President, South Pacific Computer Society 

Ms. Thomas Raynaud, Elizabeth 

Senior Policy Executive, Digital Economy and Project Director at International Chamber of Commerce (ICC)

Mr. Valdez, German 

Executive Secretary, Number Resource Organisation

Mr. Wagner, Flávio 

Board Member, Brazilian Internet Steering Committee (CGI.br) 

Mr. Wanawit, Akhuputra 

Deputy Executive Director, Electronic Transactions Development Agency, Ministry of Information and Communication Technology, Thailand

Former IGF Host Country Representatives

Ms. Arida, Christine

Director of Telecom Services and Planning Division, National Telecom Regulatory Authority, Egypt


Mr. Sardjoeni, Moedjiono

National ICT Council Executive Team Member, Indonesia

Mr. Santos Jr., Jandyr

Counsellor, Head of the Information Society Division, Department of Scientific and Technological Themes, Ministry of External Relations, Brazil

Mr. Nunes Oger Fonseca, Diego

Third Secretary, Permanent Mission of Brazil to the United Nations Office at Geneva

Mr. Papadatos, George

Minister-Counsellor, Permanent Mission of Greece to the United Nations Office at Geneva

Other Participants

Carlos Alberto


Brazilian Internet Steering Committee/cgi.br



Senior Director for Global Internet Policy, Internet Society (ISOC)



Policy Advisory, Federal Office of Communications, Switzerland



Head, Global Internet Governance Policy, Department for Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS), United Kingdom



Policy Specialist, Office of International Affairs, National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA), United States



Asia-Pacific Regional IGF (APrIGF)



IT Consultant, Global Information Highway, Ltd.



Managing Director, German Centre for Child Protection on the Internet

Wim Rudi


Internet Policy Analyst & Consultant



Manager, Regional Relations Middle East, Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN)



Chief, Knowledge Services Section, Public Information and Knowledge Management Division, UN Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA)



Policy Advisor, ISOC



Executive Secretary of the Brazilian Internet Steering Committee/cgi.br

Li Yun


International Policy Executive for China Internet Network Information Center (CNNIC)

Lee Stuart


Coordinator for Internet Governance and Information Society, Council of Europe



Vice President for IGO Engagement, ICANN



Secretary General of the European Dialogue on Internet Governance (EuroDIG)



Project Development Director, DiploFoundation



President, African Civil Society on the Information Society (ACSIS)



ICANN Board of Directors



Founding Director, DiploFoundation



Senior Advisor To The President And Senior Vice President, Government And IGOs Engagement, ICANN



Chair, Commission on Science and Technology for Development (CSTD)



Internet Governance and Telecommunications Officer, Permanent Mission of the United States to the United Nations Office at Geneva



Head of the Digital Government Unit, Ministry of Public Administration, Mexico

Paul William


Senior Director, Tech Policy, Microsoft



International Relations Officer, Directorate-General for Communications Networks, Content and Technology, European Commission



Director of the Department of Information Society at the Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P. (FCT), Portugal



President, Galway Strategy Group



Policy Advisor, Federal Office of Communications, Switzerland






International Telecommunications Specialist for the Deaf, Coordinator,  Dynamic Coalition on Accessibility and Disability (DCAD)



Policy Analyst, International Telecommunication Union (ITU)



Deputy Head of International Affairs, Federal Office of Communication, Switzerland



Senior Director of Government Relations and Senior Director of Internet Policy, International Trademark Association



Executive Director of the Global Knowledge Partnership Foundation



Brazilian Internet Steering Committee/cgi.br

Michel Mandela


Coordinator General,  Consortium d'Appui aux Actions pour la Promotion et le Développement de l'Afrique, CAPDA



Policy Consultant

Online Participants (MAG Members)

Amelia Andersdotter

Renata Aquino Ribeiro

Silvia Bidart

Peter Dengate Thrush

Avri Doria

Bianca Ho

Towela Jere

Jac SM Kee

Shita Laksmi

Douglas Onyango

Virginia Paque

Sumon Ahmed Sabir

Marianne Sakalova

Online Participants (Other)

Cédric .Wachholz

Agustina Callegari

Akinremi Peter Taiwo

Ariel Barbosa

Juliano Cappi

Carolyn Nguyen

Chris Buckridge

Deirdre Williams

Eric Akumiah

Eva Christina Andersson

Hisham Aboulyazed

Israel Rosas

Izumi Okutani

Justin Caso

Jyoti Panday

Kossi Amessinou

Michael Ilishebo

Manal Ismail

Manuel Haces-Aviña

Marilia Maciel

Mary Uduma

Michael Oghia

Mohammad Kawsar Uddin

Natalia Vicente

Norbert Komlan Glakpe

Paul Rendek

Ron da Silva

Said Zazai

Samantha Dickinson

Satish Babu

Shreedeep Rayamajhi

Shreedeep Rayamajhi

Smita Vanniyar

Sonam Keba

Sorina Teleanu

Thomas Whitehead

Valeria Betancourt

Ali Hussain

Fotjon Kosta

Hanane Boujemi

Imran Ahmed Shah

Jahangir Hossain

Jevgenija Voronko

Lousewies van der Laan

Maheeshwara Kirindigoda

Robin Gross

Silvana Rivero

Sonam keba

Yannis Li


Mr. Wai-Min Kwok

Senior Governance and Public Administration Officer


IGF Secretariat

Chengetai Masango

Programme and Technology Manager

Luis Bobo

Associate Information Systems Officer

Eleonora Mazzucchi

Programme Management Assistant

Anja Gengo


Brian Gutterman

Associate Programme Officer






[17] Much of the previously produced documentation pertaining to the workshops was made available on the IGF website here: http://www.intgovforum.org/cms/component/jevents/icalrepeat.detail/2016/04/04/496/-/igf-2016-first-open-consultations-and-mag-meeting#input-documents


[18] Up-to-date information on how to get involved in IGF intersessional activities, including activities of the National and Regional IGFs, can be found on the IGF website under the corresponding sections: http://www.intgovforum.org/cms/home-36966