Dynamic Coalition on Open Standards

The IGF Dynamic Coalition on Open Standards (IGF DCOS) will frame and define the most urgent problems related to open technology standards and application interoperability and suggest straightforward, workable solutions that can be implemented by all stakeholders. In support of Paragraph 90j of the Tunis Agenda, which reaffirms the commitment of all WSIS stakeholders to "developing and implementing e-government applications based on open standards in order to enhance the growth and interoperability of e-government systems, at all levels, furthering access to government information .... thereby furthering access to government information and services and contributing to building ICT networks and developing services that are available anywhere and anytime, to anyone and on any device,'' IGF DCOS will focus on best practices in government policy and procurement practices for public documents and services.

IGF DCOS will pay particular attention to the needs of developing economies, including capacity building, technology transfer, access and other requirements.

The coalition will host an open mailing list and hold several meetings (location and dates to be determined) before presenting its progress at the 2007 IGF in Rio de Janeiro.

The IGF DCOS interim steering committee is tasked with some organizational details, but substantive work will be done by the IGF DCOS membership. The interim steering committee of the IGF DCOS includes representatives from key stakeholder groups.

  • Government Brazil, Rogério Santanna
  • Standards Organization World Wide Web Consortium, Daniel Dardailler
  • Industry Sun Microsystems, Susy Struble
  • Free Software Foundation Europe, Georg Greve
  • Civil Society Consumer Project on Technology, Jamie Love
  • IP Justice, Robin Gross
  • Academia Yale Information Society Project, Laura DeNardis
  • Bibliotheca Alexandrina, Professor Magdy Nagi.

Other supporters and participants include the Library of Alexandria, the Electronic Frontier Foundation, and the South Centre Innovation, Access to Knowledge and Intellectual Property Programme (IAIPP).

Web site

Mailing List



  • Progress Report - 30 June 2008 [rtf] [pdf]
  • More documents are available on the IGF Dynamic Coalition on Open Standards Web site.
  • Workshop Report 2009 [doc]