Internet Openness is an appealing and multifaceted expression which encompasses several policy and technology areas and core internet principles, including Net Neutrality, Internet Generativity, Interoperability and Device Neutrality.
The IGF Dynamic Coalition on Network Neutrality (DCNN) was created to help provide clarity to the notions mentioned above. At its core, network neutrality determines the extent to which Internet traffic management practices may be regarded as legitimate, insofar as they do not restrict end-users’ access to content, applications and services in a discriminatory fashion based on operators commercial interests.
Action Plan
In view of the various ways to approach these multi-faceted topics, the IGF DCNN was established to foster a multi-stakeholder approach, providing a discussion arena aimed at analysing the various problems solution and interests at stake, contributing to the elaboration of best practices, policies, and regulations.
The goal of the IGF DCNN is to educate, inform and disseminate information on current trends and policy developments with regard to Internet openness themes.
Mailing List
Beyond its website (, which provides basic information on the works developed by the dynamic coalition (e.g. articles, reports, drafted either collectively or individually by members of the coalition), the official mailing list of the coalition (see: will allow all members to discuss these issues in an open and interactive fashion.
Membership of the IGF DCNN is open to any organisation, entity or individual interested in contributing to the enrichment of Internet Openness debate. To become a member, please send your request to
- Mr Luca Belli, Center for Technology & Society at Fundação Getulio Vargas Law School
Organizations & institutions
Current coalition partners include individual representatives and affiliates representing the following organizations and institutions:
- Norwegian Communications Authority
- EDRi
- European Broadcasting Union
- Center for Democracy and Technology
- Diplo Foundation
- Netzfreiheit
- Media Education Center
- IT for Change
- Net Neutrality User's Forum of Korea
- Jinbonet
- ONG Cívico
- Neutralidad Si
- OpenForum Europe
- Consumers International
- Centre d'Études et de Recherches de Sciences Administratives et Politiques
- Colnodo
- Cellular Operators Association of India
- NetNOG
- I-Vission International
- Web Foundation
- Centre Africain d'Echange Culturel
- Movimento Mega
- TechFreedom
- Media Matters for Democracy, Pakistan
- Center for Communication, Media and Information Technologies
- ASIET, the Interamerican Association of Telecom Enterprises
- Center for Technology & Society (CTS) at Fundação Getulio Vargas, Rio de Janeiro
Individual members
- Ms Primavera DeFilippi, CERSA/CNRS & Berkman Center
- Mr Vladimir Radunović, Diplo Foundation
- Mr Lee Hibbard, Council of Europe
- Mr Jean-Jacques Sahel, ICANN
- Mr Chris Marsden, University of Sussex
- Mr Bernard Benhamou, Ministry of Higher Education and Research of France
- Mr Félix Tréguer, La Quadrature du Net
- Ms Francesca Musiani, École des Mines de Paris
- Mr Nabil Benamar, Moulay Ismail University
- Mr Nicolo Zingales, Tilburg Law and Economics Center (TILEC)
- Ms Fátima Cambronero, AGEIA DENSI
- Mr Alejandro Pisanty, National Autonomous University of Mexico
- Mr Eduardo Bertoni, Palermo University and Buenos Aires University School of Law
- Ms Carolina Rossini, The New America Foundation
- Ms Ana Olmos, Universidad Politécnica Madrid
- Mr Juan Manual Rojas, AGEIA DENSI Colombia
- Ms Angela Daly, Swinburne University of Technology, Electronic Frontiers Australia
- Mr Roberto Yanguas Gómez, University of La Rioja
- Mr Matthijs van Bergen, Leiden University
- Mr Jean-Baptiste Millogo, ISOC Burkina Faso
- Ms Yana Welinder, Wikimedia Foundation
- Mr Antonio Medina Gómez, Asociación Colombiana de Usuarios de Internet
- Mr Andrés Azpurua, ISOC Venezuela
- Mr Raitme Citterio, ISOC Venezuela
- Mr Innocenzo Genna, radiobruxelleslibera
- Ms Monica Horten, London School of Economics and Political Science
- Mr Chris Riley, Mozilla
- Mr Jozef Halbersztadt, Internet Society Poland
- Ms Olga Cavalli, University of Buenos Aires
- Ms Cheryl Miller, Verizon
- Mr Andrea Giuricin, Milan Bicocca University
- Mr Gonzalo Lopez-Barajas, Telefónica
- Mr David Satola, The World Bank
- Ms Cornelia Kutterer, Microsoft
- Mr Abhik Chaudhuri, Tata Consultancy Services, India
- Mr Noel M. Unciano, Industrial Technology Development Institute
- Mr Michał Woźniak, Warsaw Hackerspace and Polish Linux Users Group
- Mr Naveen Lakshman, Internet Society India Chennai Chapter
- Mr Javier Seriñá Ramírez, Telefónica
- Ms Claudia Selli, AT&T
- Mr Marco Mendola, Tech & Law Center
- Mr Jeremy Einbender Pesner, U.S. General Services Administration
- Mr Alessandro Zelesco, Cloudstreet
- Mr Guillermo De Landa Díaz de León, Alestra
- Ephraim Percy Kenyanito, ACCESS
- Mr Daniel O'Maley, Center for International Media Assistance
- Mr Gus Rossi, Public Knowledge
- Ms Marie-Noémie Marques, Orange
- DCNN Annual Report 2023
- DCNN Annual Report 2022
- DCNN Open Statement on Internet Openness 2022
- DCNN Annual Report 2021
- DCNN Annual Report 2020
- The value of Internet Openness in Times of Crisis
- IGF 2018 DCNN Session Report
- DCNN RightsCon 2018 Meeting Report
- IGF 2017 DCNN Session Report
- The IGF 2017 Outcome “Zero Rating Map” can be accessed at
- IGF 2016 DCNN Session Report
- IGF 2016 DCNN Session Description
- The IGF 2016 DCNN Outcome “Net neutrality reloaded: zero rating, specialised service, ad blocking and traffic management” can be accessed here
- The IGF 2013, IGF 2014 and IGF 2015 Outcomes by DCNN have been consolidated in the “Net Neutrality Compendium”, which can be accessed on the website of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights
- IGF 2015 DCNN Session Report
- The IGF 2015 DCNN Outcome Policy Statement on Net Neutrality can be accessed here
- IGF 2014 DCNN Session Report
- IGF 2013 DCNN Session Report
- The IGF 2013 DCNN Outcome Model Framework on Network Neutrality can be accessed here and is described in Chapter 8 of the Net Neutrality Compendium and in this Council of Europe Paper
Official website: Dynamic Coalition on Network Neutrality
The official meetings of the Dynamic Coalition on Network Neutrality will be held during the annual Internet Governance Forum.
Further events organised by the members of the Dynamic Coalition will be announced on the website and through the mailing list of the Coalition.