The BPF Gender and Digital Rights invites all interested parties to its 7th Public Call happening on Monday 26th September 2022 at 15:00 UTC.
In 2022, the Best Practice Forum on Gender and Digital Rights will look into the impact of regulations from a gender justice perspective and generate conversations with people who are affected by these regulatory practices, under three areas:
Theme 1: Privacy and Surveillance / Reproductive Privacy
Theme 2: Freedom of Expression / Gendered Disinformation
Theme 3: Targeting of Human Rights Defenders and Journalists
Preliminary agenda (subject to change) for 26 September:
a. Discussion on the collaborative document on 2022 output report
b. Update from the pen holders on their respective sections
c. Main Session preparation
d. Expert discussion with Julia Haas, OSCE: gender, disinformation, and journalist safety
Previous call materials are available here
Best Practice Forums is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: BPF Gender Call VII
Time: Sep 26, 2022 03:00 PM Universal Time UTC
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