A2K@IGF Dynamic Coalition

The purpose of the A2K@IGF Dynamic Coalition is to support and expand Access to Knowledge (A2K) and promote freedom of expression in the realm of information and communication technology. The A2K@IGF coalition focuses on the following issues:

1. Developing best practice norms for:

a. Limitations and exceptions to copyright, patents and other intellectual property rights
b. Third-party liability for intellectual property infringements
c. Implementation of anti-circumvention provisions in 1996 WIPO, WCT and WPPT and other international agreements
d. Online access to scholarly research, government funded research, and essential documents such as legal information
e. The support of alternative business models for creating knowledge goods, including free and open software, or open scholarly and scientific journals
f. Protecting access to freedom of expression and cultural diversity in issues relating to intellectual property rights


2. Coordinating participation and awareness of A2K activities at related fora, such as the WIPO Development Agenda or the WIPO proposals for an A2K Treaty.





  • Robin Gross, IP Justice Executive Director and Attorney: robin(at)ipjustice(dot)org
